at U.N.  

New York activists appeal to United Nations

With the A-O.K. for war from Congress in his pocket, George W. Bush moved reluctantly for another blank check from the U.N. On October 21 a coalition of activists calling themselves No Blood for Oil! took action to encourage United Nations rejection of the U.S. war plan. Thirteen members entered the General Assembly gallery, locked arms and shouted three demands: "Immediate lifting of economic sanctions against Iraq; No U.N. permission at any time for an invasion of Iraq; and explicit U.N. condemnation of new U.S. policy of anticipatory self defense."

The activists were escorted or carried out by U.N. security guards, who turned them over to police. In custody they joined six others who had sat down to block the entrance to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. All were charged with disorderly conduct and released.

For more information, contact Yvonne at yl90@columbia.edu.