Monthly Archive for February, 2025

Brian Terrell to Enter a German Prison on February 26 for Anti-Nuclear Weapons Protest

by Brian Terrell

February 11, 2025

While participating in an international peace camp on July 14, 2019, along with Susan Crane of Redwood City, California and Susan van der Hijden of Amsterdam, I was apprehended by German Military police after cutting a hole in the security fence and entering the airfield at Büchel, Germany, with a banner that read “Atom Waffen sind Illegal- Fliegelhorst Büchel ist ein Tator!” (Nuclear weapons are illegal, Büchel airfield is a crime scene). Despite our assurances to the soldiers guarding the base that our intentions were not intended to violate the law but to call attention to the crime of the United States Air Force 702 Munitions Support Squadron keeping about 20 nuclear B61 bombs there, we were turned over to civilian police, cited and released. 

It was only when I returned to a protest at Büchel again two years later in July of 2021 that I was served documents by local police informing me that the previous July, 2020, the court in Cochem had issued a penalty order against me and a fine of 900 euros for trespassing and unlawfully damaging property. Susan and Susan had both been served the same papers earlier and had already filed appeals, so I also filed my own, hoping to argue my case in a German courtroom.

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