On March 13, Ray Towey marked the Ministry of Defence in London, as a witness against the nuclear war preparations of the U.K. government.
Ray was supported by Carmel and Dan Martin.
As usual, we started in the nearby park with prayers and readings from the Bible and “Follow Me – The Way of the Cross”, with reflections taken from the writings of Blessed Franz Jagerstatter (pub Pax Christi). Prepared and led by Carmel, see below.
The police arrived after Ray had written several messages along with the sign of the cross under the MoD plaque:
“Trident is Genocide”
“Choose Life not Terror”
He was stopped, arrested and then released without charges. He was required to provide information, told not to return to the MoD, and sent on his way. “Go away and come back to write another day,” one of the officers said.
We give thanks to God for another witness for peace in this time of war, and threats of, and preparations for, nuclear war. We have engaged in this Lenten witness almost every year since 7 March 1984.
Catholic Peace Action
Ray Towey
Carmel and Dan Martin
Prayers for Ray’s Witness
Luke 23:23-25
“The people kept on shouting loudly for Jesus to be put to death. Finally Pilate gave in. He released the man who was in prison for rioting and murder, because he was the one the crowd wanted to have set free. Then Pilate handed Jesus over for them to do what they wanted with him.”
Luke 23:23-25
Lord Hear us
We recall the words of our brother Blessed Franz Jägerstätter:
“Even if I write these words with my hands in chains, I still find that much better than if my will were in chains. Neither prison, nor chains, nor sentence of death can rob a person of his faith and his free will.”
Today we ask God’s blessings on Ray as he places a sign of the cross on The Ministry of Defence building. United in the suffering of Jesus’ way of the cross and death, and Franz’ ultimate sacrifice to death may this witness today pierce through the darkness of death and destruction that overshadows us through the nuclear war preparations orchestrated within the Ministry Of Defence Building. May the light, hope and miracle of the resurrection be realised through this witness.
Our Father
Hail Mary
“Lord Jesus, increase our love for you and unite our hearts and will with yours, that we may only seek and desire what is pleasing to you.”