Activists Climb onto the Roof of Raytheon’s Cambridge Facility in Protest of War Profiteering, Killing of Civilians
On the morning of March 21, a group of activists scaled onto the roof of Raytheon’s facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts to call attention to the company’s weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and Israel, and their record of human rights violations. As part of the multi-tiered protest, the facility’s parking garage was also blockaded, while another group disrupted inside of the Raytheon offices.
The group that scaled the roof used several smoke flares to draw attention to their protest, while chanting and dropping flyers down to workers as they arrived at the facility. Several banners were also unfurled from the roof of the building. Two of the banners read “End All Wars, End All Empires”, and “Raytheon profits from death in Yemen, Palestine & Ukraine”.
Raytheon, which is headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, is the second largest weapons contractor in the world and is the largest global producer of guided missiles. Raytheon’s CEO Greg Hayes sparked controversy in January when he declared to shareholders that “I fully expect we’re going to see benefit” and “opportunities for international sales” from the prospect of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, and rising military tensions around the world.
“With every war and every conflict, Raytheon’s profits multiply. Raytheon profits multiply as bombs fall on schools, wedding tents, hospitals, homes, and communities. Living, breathing, human being are being killed. Lives are being destroyed, all for profit.” – Statement from one of the people who scaled the roof.
The action was carried out one day after the 19th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The group expressed hope that the protest would honor the lives of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed during the war, and galvanize a broader movement that opposes all wars.
“We took action today to condemn all wars and all colonial occupations. The new anti-war movement that has grown in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine must grow to call for an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine, an end to Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen, and an end of the U.S. military industrial complex.” – Statement from one of the people who scaled the roof.
The five were released that night, charged with eight criminal counts each including two felonies. At a court hearing the following morning, all the charges were dismissed. Raytheon made no comment to the press.
The protest was carried out by Resist and Abolish the Military Industrial Complex (RAM INC). In August the group shut down access to Raytheon’s facility in Portsmouth, Rhode Island. During that protest two people attached themselves to cars that were fitted with concrete blockades.