Monthly Archive for May, 2021

~ from FCI Danbury, Religious Freedom to Oppose Nuclear Weapons by Martha Hennessy, May 20

Religious Freedom to Oppose Nuclear Weapons May 20, 2021 by Martha Hennessy [last prison reflection before being released on May 26] Danbury FCI At trial in October, 2019, in front of Judge Lisa Wood, Patrick O’Neill prayed in his opening statement, “I am happy that the grace of God has brought us together.”  Seven co-defendants […]


~ from FCI Danbury, Changing the Social Order by Martha Hennessy, May 9

Changing the Social Order    by Martha Hennessy May 9th, 2021 I write of my last days here at Danbury FCI Women’s Camp with contradictions in my heart. I will be so happy to be gone from here, but I also will miss the community, as fraught and involuntary as it is.  Since coming up […]


Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Jailed Ahead of Sentencing

Daniel Hale – Copepink photo

Click HERE to sign the petition – Judge O’Grady, No Prison Time for Daniel Hale

from The Intercept

Drone Whistleblower Daniel Hale Jailed Ahead of Sentencing

It’s unclear precisely why Hale was arrested, and court documents show that his lawyers objected.

By Alex Emmons

May 5, 2021, 6:32 p.m.

Daniel Hale, a former Air Force intelligence analyst who pleaded guilty to sharing classified documents about drone strikes with a reporter, has been arrested ahead of his sentencing in July.

In March, Hale pleaded guilty to one charge under the Espionage Act, and he faces up to 10 years in prison. He is scheduled to be sentenced in July, but a federal judge has ordered him incarcerated until then for violating the terms of his pretrial release, according to court records. 

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Five people cited in Mother’s Day demonstration at Trident nuclear submarine base at Bangor, WA

photo by Glen Milner

from Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

Thirty people were present on May 8th (the day before Mother’s Day), at the demonstration against Trident nuclear weapons at the Bangor submarine base.  At around 2 p.m., the five demonstrators entered the highway carrying two large banners stating, “Congress wants $1 trillion for nukes – What will be left for our children?” and “Trident Threatens All Life on Earth” and blocked all incoming traffic at the Main Gate of Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor for over 20 minutes.  They were removed from the highway.

All five demonstrators were cited for violating RCW 46.61.250, Pedestrians on roadways, and released at the scene. Those cited by the Washington State Patrol: Brenda McMillan and Caroline Wildflower of Port Townsend; Sue Ablao of Bremerton; Elizabeth Murray of Poulsbo; and Michael “Firefly” Siptroth of Belfair.

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Women blockade Faslane Trident base for 11 hours, link militarism and climate crisis

XR photo

Early in the morning of April 30, members of Extinction Rebellion (XR) Scotland, with support from nuclear disarmament activists from Trident Ploughshares, set up a blockade at the north gate of the Faslane Trident submarine base in Scotland.

Three women locked onto three planters they had placed in the road, which contained plants and flowers and were painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”. With their action, they were demanding a future safe from the “threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction”, making the connections between the climate and ecological crisis and militarism.

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~ from FCI Elkton, Prison Reflections – “Personalism”, by Patrick O’Neill

Personalism Prison Reflections from Patrick O’Neill (transcribed and edited by J. Mark Davidson) May 3, 2021 Birthday Pizza A couple of nights ago, two of my friends, Sean and Tippy, surprised me with two steaming hot pizzas they made me for my birthday! They had planned to do it back in March, but I was […]


~ from FCI Danbury, by nuclear resister Martha Hennessy, May 1

88 Years Old Today         by Martha Hennessy May 1, 2021 It is May Day, the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker, and a celebration of the dignity of work for International Workers of the World. I mopped the stairs and hall in front of the medical and psychological services office, now […]


Nuclear Resister issue #197

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