Monthly Archive for March, 2018

Good Friday arrests at Lockheed Martin, the Pentagon, Livermore Lab and Nevada nuclear test site

Photo by Paul Sheldon


Thanks to Paul Sheldon for this report:

The Brandywine Peace Community held its annual Good Friday action at Lockheed Martin in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania on March 30. Seven of the activists attempted to carry a message of peace and understanding onto Lockheed Martin property, in order to speak with those building world-destroying weapons. They were arrested, cited for disorderly conduct (praying in the driveway), and released. Paul Sheldon writes, “I view these actions as faithfulness to a continuing campaign at Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest war profiteer and nuclear weapons’ contractor.”

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Six people arrested during protest at Arms Fair in Cardiff, Wales

from WalesOnline

Activists were protesting outside the Motorpoint Arena where an exhibition is taking place

by Cathy Owen and Marcus Hughes
March 27, 2018

Six people were arrested at a protest outside a defence industry event at the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff on Tuesday.

Campaign groups Cardiff Stop the Arms Fair, Welsh Kurdish Activists and members of Cardiff Animal Rights were among those protesting against the Defence Procurement, Research, Technology and Exportability (DPRTE) event.

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A Catholic Worker discussion on property destruction and nonviolence

Christian Nonviolence: Theory and Practice

by Tom Cornell

[Tom Cornell is a longtime editor of The Catholic Worker and former co-founder of the Catholic Peace Fellowship. In a slightly different form his essay was published in the December 2017 issue of The Catholic Worker. With Jim Forest and Robert Ellsberg, he co-edited A Penny a Copy, an anthology of writings from The Catholic Worker.]

“To me nonviolence is the all-important problem or virtue to be nourished and studied and cultivated” (Dorothy Day, Diaries, Oct. 1968). And Thomas Merton agreed: “You are right going along the lines of satyagraha [Gandhi’s term for nonviolent action; literally the power of truth]. I see no other way….”  Merton held nonviolence to be essential. Nonviolent action embodies a moral truth in response to a serious moral crisis by way of protest and acts of resistance, including civil disobedience, that do no harm, conducted in openness and truth with willingness to pay the legal penalties. Nonviolent action may be acts of witness only, but they may also lead to mass mobilization and real change.

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Two dozen activists arrested at Nevada nuclear test site

photo by Jack Cohen-Joppa

by Felice Cohen-Joppa, for the Nuclear Resister

Members of the Pacific Life Community converged at the Las Vegas Catholic Worker house from March 2 – 4 for their annual gathering to protest nuclear weapons. Twenty-four of them were arrested on Sunday, March 4 during a nonviolent action at the Nevada nuclear test site.  
 They kicked off the weekend with an hour-long vigil on Friday afternoon, holding signs and banners in front of the nearby offices of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). [The NNSA manages eight nuclear weapons-related sites: the Y-12 nuclear complex, Pantex Plant, Nevada National Security Site (formerly known as the Nevada Test Site), Los Alamos National Lab, Livermore National Lab, Sandia National Lab, Savannah River Site and Kansas City Plant.]

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