On May 25, four Catholic Workers, calling themselves the Riverside Ploughshares, joined the public tour aboard the USS Philippine Sea during the 16th Annual Fleet Week hosted by the Intrepid Museum in New York City. Sr. Susan Clarkson, Mark Colville, Brian Buckley, and Joan Gregory left the tour line to pour their blood and hammer on the missile hatches that hold Tomahawk cruise missiles. Photos of Iraqi children killed and maimed by American bombing were held up for other tourists to see, as their disarmament action was also videotaped by supporters. The Navy arrested the four, detained them for several hours, and then released them without charges.

From their statement:

"We seek to stop the injury of war on the human family and to heal our communities by living nonviolently and seeking justice for all. The peace and security that comes from an empire wielding weapons of war and intimidation are false and illusory. With hammers we disarm this weapon of mass destruction and with blood we reveal its purpose."

The Nuclear Resister
August 2004