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...Plowshares Chronicle is the latest edition of Art Laffin's concise action-by-action history of the Plowshares Movement of nonviolent direct action disarmament. "Plowshares" actions began in 1980 as a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies of Micah and Isaiah to " beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks." 108 pages, paper. $5 + $3 shipping from the Catholic Worker Bookstore, POB 3087, Washington, DC 20010, 1-800-43-PEACE, cwbookstore@mindspring.com
...Nuclear Resister T-shirts! We're back, and these classic logo T's are, too. And for $15 +$3 shipping, they can be on your back! Natural unbleached cotton, black ink. Please specify, S M L XL XXL. Send cash, check, or money order in US$ to the Nuclear Resister, POB 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733.
...Nonviolent Action Handbook is a thin (95 pages) and very fine pocket-size introduction to the topic by Sanderson Beck, recently jailed for four months for Iraq war resistance. 1-4 copies, $5 each; 5-9, $4 each; 10+, $3 each + $5 shipping in US. Send check or money order to World Peace Communications, 495 Whitman St. #A, Goleta, CA 93117. E-mail san@beck.org for overseas shipping cost. Calif. residents add 7.25% sales tax (except on wholesale orders).