How You Can Help   

Many of the action reports included here lack details about the action and legal consequences or trial dates, or reliable contact info to follow up with. If you have information to correct or supplement arrests reported here, please let us know! With Pledge of Resistance groups still active and other civil disobedience ongoing, plus court dates coming up in the next few months, we ask readers to send us reports of new arrests, legal updates, and announcements of upcoming resistance actions. Most importantly, please let us know when someone is in prison. Write to us at POB 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733 or e-mail We also need volunteers to regularly gather and report information on new actions, updates, etc. in their city, state and/or region.


Any information about the arrest or jailing of anti-war and anti-nuclear demonstrators, either in the United States or other countries.

Narrative accounts which include the essential information listed on the roster on these pages are most welcome. We also like to receive copies of action or courtroom statements, press releases, news clippings, poetry and other writings from jail, graphics, photos, other related documents (citizen warrants, war crime indictments, etc.) and any personal comments that may be of interest. Such statements and documents are appreciated even if we have already reported on the actions.


We need yours! It cost a lot to get this issue into your hands. We have spent our last cent sending free bundles and sample copies around the country, trusting that people will find this information useful in their own anti-war work, and respond generously with the financial support we need to continue the work of the Nuclear Resister.

If you appreciate this record of resistance and support for peace prisoners, please subscribe or send a donation - or both! You will be helping to document the resistance and support the imprisoned resisters.

The Nuclear Resister
April 2003