- Livermore  

Five hundred people rallied August 4 in Livermore, California's Carnegie Park for a day of speakers and music on the themes of "Stop the Bomb Where it Starts", "Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki," and to commemorate 20 years of nonviolent resistance at the nearby Livermore nuclear weapons lab. Speakers warned of "the holocaust we can all see coming" in the new earth penetrating and low-yield nuclear weapons proliferating from Livermore's secret workshops. Jackie Cabasso, a veteran of the mass nonviolent direct actions at Livermore during the early Reagan years and now executive director of the Western States Legal Foundation, told the crowd, "It's time to throw away the idea of national security and it's time to talk about human security," the right of all humanity to live in peace and free of fear.

Following the rally program, most of the assembled marched while others drove the three miles to Livermore Lab's gate. Supporters cheered as small groups stepped from the crowd and crossed the line. By the end of the day, 54 people had been cited for blocking the road and eventually were released.

For more information, contact the Livermore Conversion Project, POB 31835, Oakland, CA 94604, (510)663-8065.