Preceding the annual Mother's Day gathering at the Nevada nuclear weapons test site, ten members of the Western Shoshone tribe embarked on a five-day, 250-mile "Walk on the Sacred Land" around the eastern side of the site. Along the way, they conducted ceremonies to pray for healing of the land that was seized from their people to test and perfect the original terror weapons of mass destruction.

At the test site peace camp, the walkers were welcomed by about 200 people who were building community and planning the Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth from New Mexico to the Test Site, August 6-October 10 (

On Mother's Day, 20 people were cited for trespass after crossing the line, and soon released. Prosecution is not expected. For more information, contact Shundahai Network, POB 1115, Salt Lake City, UT 84110, (819)359-2614, email:, web: