A colorful procession of giant puppets, dancers, drummers, peace signs and banners moved through Oak Ridge, Tennessee April 14, from Bissell Park to the large lawn at the gate of the Y-12 nuclear weapons factory. For most of the day, 250 people rallied there for nuclear disarmament. It was the latest protest of the Stop The Bombs campaign of the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance. Three tents at the site provided gathering space for listening to the program of music and speeches; sharing a feast provided by Food Not Bombs, or entertaining children with storytelling and craft projects. A labyrinth was created in the grass and a puppet performance highlighted the cultural celebrations for peace.

Just days before the protest, the federal government announced that it would begin prosecuting demonstrators arrested at Y-12. Previous city prosecution has resulted only in small fines with evidently little deterrent value, and the county attorney has thrown out most state charges.

Four people faced the new challenge and crossed the line. Mary Adams, Leana Feldman, Mary Dennis Lentsch, and Tim Mellen were arrested and held overnight. They were arraigned in federal court the following morning on trespass charges, and released on their own recognizance. A preliminary hearing is set for April 19.

Later in the afternoon, about two dozen people took to the entry road and marched up to the federal property line, their long banner proclaiming as it blocked the road "Y-12 CLOSED - VIOLATES INTERN'L LAW." After an hour or so, the blockaders moved away from the gate and began marching back into the town of Oak Ridge. Police moved in and arrested 25 people on a state charge of obstruction. As they were being processed through the night, a few pled no contest and were fined. Most pled not guilty and will return April 24 for a pretrial hearing.

Ten people arrested at Oak Ridge last January 1 were all convicted during a series of trials, and all were fined $50 plus court costs. None plan to pay.

For more information, contact the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, POB 5743, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, (865)483-8202, email: orepa@stopthebombs.org web: www.stopthebombs.org.