About 30 Milwaukee war tax refusers and their supporters demonstrated April 15, Tax Day, at the local federal building, where Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offices are located. Leafletting, drumming and chanting preceded the departure of six people, who went inside to the IRS lobby to leaflet and protest taxes for war. When the group refused to leave, they were arrested, cited and released later that day.

For more information, contact Milwaukee War Tax Resistance, c/o Casa Maria Catholic Worker, POB 05206, Milwaukee, WI 53205, (414)344-5745.

Oregon war tax resister and "nuclear war-resisting nurse" Ed Martizsus has filed a civil suit against a former Portland employer for recovery of federal income taxes withheld against his will. Martizsus' previous attempts to discuss the Episcopal-owned Good Samaritan Hospital's complicity with war funding at his expense resulted in his arrest and subsequent acquittal.