PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE: Three Colorado Springs residents were convicted of trespass February 8 in municipal court. "The trial was an awful waste of time," wrote defendant Bill Sulzman, who together with Donna Johnson and Peter Sprunger-Froese had sought to serve a warrant for citizen's arrest on the chief of the Air Force Space Command last August 9. Pretrial rulings by the local judge forbid the defendants from defending their actions under international law. As a result, one of their attorneys boycotted the trial rather than take part in a sham proceeding. Some members of the audience placed duct tape over their mouths during the proceedings, while each of the defendants refused to testify at trial in a forum where they could not speak the "whole truth and nothing but the truth." Sentencing is set for March 12. An appeal is underway...

CNN/ATLANTA: Samuel Sabel (aka Jinx) pled guilty to a reduced charge of disorderly conduct (from battery and felony obstruction) and paid a $200 fine in December. His case was the last outstanding from the police assault of a peaceful November 10 anti-war/anti-propaganda march on the media giant's offices...

HARTFORD 18: Most of the defendants from the police intimidation of an October anti-war march in the Connecticut city have appeared in court twice already, and some three times. Defendants are being offered "accelerated rehabilitation," plus a "charitable contribution" to the police athletic association or community service, but all cases are still pending...

F-16s IN DULUTH: One has paid up, but three other war resisters have outstanding bench warrants for their arrest, due to refusal to pay a fine for protests last summer at a local strip mall's homage to air power. One of the three, Joel Kilgour, turned himself in in early January. Police were not interested to arrest him, but passed along a note from the judge who said he'd like to see Kilgour again. The convict returned to court the next day to repeat that he would not pay the fine, and that it was the last time he would turn himself in. The fine was reissued with a new deadline, and now another warrant has been issued...

ALBUQUERQUE ANTI-WAR MARCH: Four people arrested during a September 21 anti-war march from the University of New Mexico to Albuquerque Civic Plaza have had their charges dismissed...

DENVER ANTI-WAR MARCH: One person pled guilty to disturbing the peace and was fined a small amount, but charges have been dropped for most of the nine people arrested when police interfered with a peaceful anti-war march in Denver. The final two misdemeanor cases have been continued until a March 4 arraignment...

DEFENSE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT - ONTARIO: Two people charged with trespass during a Star Wars protest last November 9 at the government war labs have heard nothing more from crown prosecutors, and suspect the charge has "disappeared"...

MILWAUKEE WAR TAX RESISTANCE: Four members of the Milwaukee Catholic Worker community, arrested for disorderly conduct during a war tax protest at the IRS office last April 16, Tax Day, finally had the charges dismissed on February 7...

EXELON: "Walking Mary" Adams and Chicago Catholic Worker "Lucky" were convicted December 13 of trespass at the Warrenville, Illinois, headquarters of the largest U.S. commercial nuclear reactor operator. The judge listened respectfully to their testimony about the risks of nuclear power, and sentenced them to community service...

ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS: Fifteen people arrested at the Pentagon's biggest munitions supplier November 7 will go on trial March 26 in Minneapolis...

NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY: Four people initially arrested for trespass, destruction of government property and conspiracy while demonstrating October 12 against the war have, since their release, heard nothing more from the court about prosecution... WHITE HOUSE: Nine people arrested on October 9 protesting the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan had their charges dismissed while in court December 19...

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA: Five people arrested while serving an "indictment for terrorism" on the Defense Department offices last October 10 were found guilty and placed on three-year good behavior bonds - no fine, no record of conviction. Ciaron O'Reilly did not appear and a warrant was issued, and due to illness a seventh defendant will be in court later. Five more people had been arrested November 7 serving a similar indictment of Australia's complicity in global terror to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade...