Stop This War!  

"War not = Justice, War = Terror, Stop This War."

Through rush-hour on November 15, this banner covered a freeway billboard in Knoxville, Tennessee. Police arrived to find two banner-hangers and two supporters on the ground, communicating by cell phone. Amanda Allen and Bob Poeschl were ordered to stop talking to the pair above. They tried to signal that they could not use the phone, and were then cited for disorderly conduct. Tiffany Hartung and Perrin DeJong were arrested for trespass when they came down from the billboard. In court, the disorderly conduct charges were dismissed, and the banner hangers ordered to clear their record with payment of $75 damages to the sign company, plus court costs.

For more information, contact Katuah Earth First!/River Faction, POB 16242, Knoxville, TN 37996, (865)633-8483.