year    # of arrests    # of sites    # of actions
2001        570              21             45
2000        813              28             49
1999        730              22             46
1998        655              25             48
1997        910              32             59
1996        590              25             48
1995        990              34             77
1994        910              41             73
1993      1,000              37             80
1992      2,480              40             90
1991      2,550              32             65
1990      3,000              41             85
1989      5,530              75            150
1988      4,470              65            160
1987      5,300              70            180
1986      3,200              75            165
1985      3,300             120            170
1984      3,010              85            160
1983      5,300              60            140

Editors' note: For accurate comparison, the statistics quoted here include only those arrests and actions that stated a clear anti-nuclear component. In 2001, there were more than 730 anti-war arrests in the U.S. and Canada (not including corporate globalization protests) - more than 40 different actions at at least 26 different sites.

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