King's Anti-War Message  
Proclaimed -U.N.  

A January 22 sit-in on the steps of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations called on Ambassador John Negroponte or his appointed official to meet with Voices in the Wilderness founder Kathy Kelly, just back from a three-week stay in Iraq.

Those gathered at the Mission came from across the country to affirm Martin Luther King's advocacy of nonviolent direct action for justice, instead of the current war.

Instead of a meeting with Mission officials, forty-seven people were arrested. They were cited and released pending a February 25 court date.

Ryan Amundson, whose brother Craig was killed at work in the Pentagon on September 11, said, "Bush has said that the 'war on terrorism' requires sacrifice from the American people. The nonviolent protest in front of the U.S. Mission to the U.N. is really a frontline battle of the war on terrorism, and the people who were arrested are showing the sacrifices needed to lead to a true victory against all forms of terror."

For more information, contact Voices in the Wilderness c/o Melissa Jameson (WRL) at (212)228-0450.