
...Peace Movement Directory - North American Organizations, Programs, Museums and Memorials by James Richard Bennett (McFarland, 2001). 1400 entries on USA, Mexico, and Canada. Organized by states/ provinces and cities. Description of each, address, phone, email, website. Extensive Index. 318pp. Softcover, 147 photos, $49.95. ISBN: 0-7864-1006-X

...Resources for Radicals, an annotated bibliography of print resources for those involved in movements for social transformation, is now available in a newly revised 3rd edition. A wide range of topics are touched on, from meeting facilitation to community gardening to civil disobedience to union organizing. Work coming from such struggles as the feminist, animal rights, ecology and the peace movement abound. Available post paid for CAN$12, US$13 or US$15 (other countries) from Toronto Action for Social Change, P.O. Box 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave., West Toronto, Ontario M6C 1C0, Canada.

...The 2002 European Hope & Resistance Gathering will meet May 8-12 at Hobbitstee, a hospice and retreat center in the Netherlands. Hope and Resistance is a nonviolent resistance network organized by ploughshares and other nonviolent resistance groups. Gatherings to explore issues around nonviolent resistance and the escalation of civil disobedience, to create community, to share experiences and to offer one another support. For more information, contact Susan van der Hijden, Amsterdam Catholic Worker, POB 22141, 1100 CC Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

...Nonviolence in the Context of War or Armed Conflict is the focus of an international training for nonviolence July 5-21, 2002, at the Center for Education and networking in Nonviolent Action (KURVE) in Wustrow, Germany. Registration deadline March 15. ¤700.00 cost includes program, dormitory accommodations and food prepared cooperatively. For more information, contact KURVE Wustrow, Kirchstr., 14, 29462 Wustrow, Germany;

...Linked Arms: A Rural Community Resists Nuclear Waste by Thomas V. Peterson (SUNY Press), tells the story of community environmental organizing and successful nonviolent resistance to nuclear waste dumping in upstate Allegany County, New York, a decade ago. 266 pages, paperback; photos and maps, $18.95. ISBN 0-7914-5132-1

...The National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Spring Conference will be hosted May 3-5 in Portland by the Oregon Community for War Tax Resistance. Story sharing, training for war tax resistance (WTR) counseling, discussion groups including intro to WTR, & panel on practical nonviolent alternatives to "war on terrorism." Local hospitality, six vegetarian meals provided. Donation requested. Please register by April 10 with Tana Hastings, 465 NE 181st #303, Portland, OR 97230;

...The 15th anniversary of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty will be observed December 8, 2002, with a great event at Mutlangen AFB in Germany, to remember the necessity of disarmament and nonviolent direct actions. Civil resistance action at Mutlangen in the early 1980s resulted in three thousand arrests, contributing to the INF and verified disarmament of an entire class of nuclear weapons: a model for more steps toward abolition. Yet these steps have not been taken, and the call for action in December, 2002, is envisioned as prelude to mass nonviolent resistance in the summer of 2003 at Büchel AFB, where nuclear weapons are still deployed to NATO by the USA, and at EUCOM (European Command) in Stuttgart. The call to action also commits to Energy for Peace - Creating Peace with Sun and Wind as the social investment necessary to advance humanity without war and environmental exploitation. Organizers seek a volunteer from the United States for 6-12 months to help prepare for the event and actions. For more information, contact Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen, Presseheutte, Forststr.3, D-73557 Mutlangen, Germany, tel/fax 49-(0)771-75661,