Tom Lewis-Borbely returns to court in Lawrence, Massachusetts July 9, for a probation violation hearing. After informing the sentencing judge by mail of his intent, Lewis-Borbely returned to vigil in front of Raytheon Corporation, where he was arrested during Holy Week, 2000, and to which he was prohibited from returning for one year. His sentence also included a suspended 90-day jail term. His participation with other regular vigilers on Tuesday, April 10, brought the summons from the court, and the threat of 90 days in jail.

Lewis-Borbely wrote Judge Ellen Flatley, "When I vigil at Raytheon entrance the Tuesday of Holy Week I will carry one of my INNER CITY FLOWER PAINTINGS as a Sign. My Inner City Flower Paintings are a clear symbol of hope in the midst of Raytheon corporation robbery of the Poor in the City of Worcester where I live with my family and other Inner Cities in the United States. Raytheon Research, Development and construction of the EXOATMOSPHERIC KILL VEHICLE (EKV) is a crime against the planet Earth and safe environment while robbing the Poor of basic and human needs..."

On Easter Sunday, April 15, costumed participants in a Death and Taxes Resistance Festival staged a die-in at the weapons plant, but no arrests were made.

For more information, call Mustard Seed Catholic Worker, (508)757-4293.