The Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action will host a Mourning and Remembrance event incorporating nonviolent civil resistance action on Nagasaki Day, August 9. For more information, contact Ground Zero, 16159 Clear Creek Road NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370; (360)377-2586; email: info@gzcenter.org web: www.gzcenter.org.

The Costs of Project ELF is the theme for four days of nonviolence education and social justice activism, August 6-9. Events being planned at both Wisconsin and Michigan transmitter sites, and in Ashland, Wisconsin. For more information, contact Nukewatch, POB 649, Luck, WI 54853, (715)472-4185; nukewatch@lakeland.ws.

The Atlantic Life Community's Faith and Resistance Remembrance of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki will be at Hyattsville Mennonite Church, Hyattsville, MD, August 5-9. Education, reflection and nonviolent direct actions at the Pentagon and other sites in Washington area. Children's program planned - bring swimsuits, hats & sunscreen! RSVP and more information at Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21216, (410)233-6238 or Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, 503 Rock Creek Church Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20010, (202)882-9649.

The Stop the Bombs August Action for Peace will take place in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 5-6, with civil resistance at the Y-12 bomb plant on Hiroshima Day. For more information, contact the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, POB 5743, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, (865)483-8202; email: orep@earthlink.net web: www.stopthebombs.org.

A 3-day vigil at the gates of Offutt Air Force Base, home of StratCom, the military's nuclear targeting and command center, will remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Join vigilers at the gate from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily, August 6-9. Vigilers will gather at a local church for prayer, socializing, and overnight hospitality, and conclude the vigil August 9 with an 11 a.m. line crossing. For more information , contact Fr. Frank Cordaro, Des Moines Catholic Worker, POB 4551, Des Moines, IA 50306; (515)243-0765.

LANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Rally and nonviolent civil resistance action will take place July 16, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. The date marks the 55th anniversary of Trinity, the first nuclear weapon tested. A July 14-15 conference in Santa Fe will feature internationally known speakers, panels, and practical workshops on organizing strategies addressing nuclear issues, Star Wars, and weapons of mass destruction. For more information, contact Peace Action, New Mexico, (505)989-4812; LANLaction@aol.com.

August Desert Witness 2001 will take place August 5-9 entirely at the Peace Camp on Western Shoshone territory at the Mercury gate to the Nevada nuclear weapons test site. Please RSVP if you plan to attend, so proper preparations can be made for the summer desert events. Nevada Desert Experience, POB 46645, Las Vegas, NV 89114; email: nde@igc.org web: www.NevadaDesertExperience.org.

A "Peace on Earth and in Space" rally and nonviolent direct action will take place at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab in Livermore, California on Hiroshima Day, August 6 at 7 a.m. People are encouraged to bring banners, signs, origami, musical instruments and friends. For more information, contact the Livermore Conversion Project, POB 31835, Oakland, CA 94604; (510)663-8065.

Voices in the Wilderness will sponsor a 40-day fast and vigil in New York City beginning on August 6, and continuing until September 16, the eve of U.N. sessions regarding the rights of children. A core group of people plan simple weekly acts of civil disobedience during the vigil to protest the sanctions imposed on Iraq. For more information, contact Voices in the Wilderness, 1460 West Carmen Ave., Chicago, IL 60640; (773)784-8065.

The third annual Nuclear Free Great Lakes International Action Camp, August 19-24, will be preceded by a two day conference at DePaul University in Chicago, August 18-19. Conference sponsors are providing transportation assistance so that 40-60 international activists can join what should be the largest gathering of nuclear power abolitionists in the United States in a decade. Activist and organizer skill-building, energy issues training, networking, and nonviolent public demonstration and direct action at the Dresden nuclear power plant, south of Chicago. The camp is at Hoover Outdoor Education Center, Yorkville, IL - attend for a day or the whole week! For more information, contact the Nuclear Energy Information Service at (847)869-7650, neis@forward.net.

An International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space will encompass decentralized actions all over the world on October, 13, 2001. Get involved now and plan a local action along with activists in 52 other places around the world (at last count). For more information, contact the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, POB 90083, Gainesville, FL 32607, (352)337-9274, globalnet@mindspring.com.

Trident Ploughshares and For Mother Earth invite you be part of the fourth annual summer disarmament camp at beautiful Peaton Wood, Coulport, Scotland, July 27 - August 11. European disarmament campaigners are planning to join their British allies for fourteen days of intensive direct disarmament work at the Faslane and Coulport bases. It's also a time for workshops and experimentation to improve disarmament and campaigning skills, for strengthening our ability to work well together, for bringing new people into the campaign, for renewing our vision and commitment and for good fun. Contact Trident Ploughshares, 42-46 Bethel St., Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 1NR, England, +44 08 45 45 88 366, tp2000@gn.apc.org.

Nuclear Weapons Abolition Days will be September 30-October 1. Recognizing the Nuremberg Principles and 1996 Advisory Opinion of the World Court regarding nuclear weapons, activists around the world are encouraged to take actions at nuclear related sites in order to prevent nuclear crimes. Many past actions follow the lead of the U.N. inspectors looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, entering the bases in search of information about such weapons that base commanders refuse to provide. For more information, contact For Mother Earth, Maria Hendrickaplein 5, 9000 Gent, Belgium +32 9 242 87 52 email: international@motherearth.org web: www.motherearth.org.

Büchel AFB, Germany, one of a handful of European storage sites for American nuclear weapons assigned to NATO, will be the site of a major citizen weapons inspection on September 30th. For more information, contact Gewartfreie Aktion Atomwaffen Abschaffen, Lenzhalde 53, 70806 Kornwestheim, Germany. www.gaaa.org.

Ontario's Homes Not Bombs nonviolent direct action network will occupy the Defense Research Establishment Ottawa (DREO) on November 9 for a citizens' inspection for violations of international and Canadian law. DREO is known to conduct space warfare and missile "defense" research in collaboration with U.S. war planners. Some activists will also attempt to transform the site into a Civil Society Research Institute, while others will celebrate with a Festival of Life on the grounds. For more information, contact Homes not Bombs, POB 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0, Canada, (416)651-5800, tasc@web.ca.