Vanunu Campaign Update

In recent months, imprisoned nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was given a release date in April 2004, which is 17-1/2 years into his 18 year prison sentence. Free Vanunu campaigns in countries around the globe continue to demand his immediate and unconditional release.

While the escalating violence in Israel and the occupied territories has overshadowed Vanunu's story there in recent months, a documentary on the prisoner was shown in March on a major Israeli TV channel during prime time.

While incoming mail seems unaffected, Vanunu's outgoing mail is still being held for up to six months and censored before being posted, making outside contact difficult. Vanunu continues to receive regular visits from a brother, and in January was again visited by his adoptive parents from Minnesota.

For more information, contact the U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu at its new address, P.O. Box 43384, Tucson, AZ 85733, (520)323-8697, email:, web:

Vanunu appreciates letters, and they remain an important means of letting the Israeli government know that he has support around the world. Please send letters to Mordechai Vanunu, Ashkelon Prison, Ashkelon, Israel.