Mothers Day

Gather on Mother's Day at the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent action at 10 a.m., Sunday, May 14, for nonviolent action orientation, Peace Brunch at noon and 1:30 p.m. witness next-door at the Trident nuclear submarine base in Bangor, Washington. 16159 Clear Creek Rd. NW, Poulsbo, WA, 98370 (360)377-2586; email:

Mothers Day
Project ELF

The annual Project ELF Mothers' Day event moves to Saturday this year, also beginning at 10 a.m. Puppet workshop, nonviolence training, lunch provided, afternoon rally and nonviolent direct action for a nuclear free future. Contact Nukewatch, P.O Box 649, Luck, WI 54853, (715)472-4185; email:

Mothers Day
Nevada Test Site

(see the ad)


The Vandenberg Action Coalition, Direct Action Network/Santa Cruz and the Resource Center for Nonviolence invite resisters to confront "Space-age counterinsurgency terror from Colombia to California," with a nonviolent occupation of the Vandenberg AFB security zone, beginning with a legal rally May 19, Armed Forces Day. Vandenberg is the largest U.S. Space Command Facility and the site of ballistic missile defense test launches. For more information, contact the Vandenberg Action Coalition at (831)421-9794; email:, web:

Los Alamos

LANL 2001 - Action for Abolition Rally and nonviolent civil resistance action will take place July 16, at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. The date marks the 55th anniversary of Trinity, the first nuclear weapon tested. A July 14-15 conference in Santa Fe will feature internationally known speakers, panels, and practical workshops on organizing strategies addressing nuclear issues, Star Wars, and weapons of mass destruction. For more information, contact Peace Action, New Mexico, (505)989-4812;

Stop the Militarization of Space

An International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space will encompass decentralized actions all over the world on October, 13, 2001. Get involved now and plan a local action. For more information, contact the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, P.O. Box 90083, Gainesville, FL 32607, (352)337-9274;

War Research Establishment

Homes Not Bombs is planning a major nonviolent Direct Action and Festival of Life for the morning rush hour on Friday, November 9, at the Defence Research Establishment in Ottawa, Ontario, where space and electronic warfare are studied and planned. A joyful alternative will include construction of a Civil Society Research Facility, Citizens' Inspections of the facility, and other nonviolent direct actions. For more information, contact Homes not Bombs: P.O. Box 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, ON M6C 1C0, Canada, (416)651-5800,


The Stop the Bombs campaign continues with a rally and Hiroshima Day civil resistance action at the Y-12 nuclear bomb plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August 5-6. For more information, contact the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance, 100 Tulsa Rd., Suite 4A, Oak Ridge, TN 37380, (423)483-8202; email: web: