These Arms of Ours: The Journey of Embracing Active Nonviolence will be an intensive program focused on the process and practice of active nonviolence. May 21-25, at the Center for Action and Contemplation, 50 Atrisco Rd. SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105, (505)242-9588. Co-sponsored by the Nevada Desert Experience and Pace e Bene.

The Peace Park Anti-Nuclear Vigil at the White House will celebrate 20 years of seeking "Wisdom, Truth and Honesty" in front of the White House on June 3, noon to dark, in Lafayette (Peace) Park, Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Ellen and Thomas at the vigil, or P.O. Box 27127, Washington, D.C. 20038, (202)462-0757, email:

The SOA Watch Summer Training Institute, July 20-25 in St. Louis, is an opportunity to learn more about training for nonviolent direct action, affinity group formation, action preparation, street theater, music for activists, media, legal, solidarity tactics, puppet-making, and more. Gain skills to help prepare your community for the next November action. Training Institute for Organizers: 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 20th - 4 p.m. Friday, June 22nd. Nonviolence Training for Trainers: 7 p.m. Friday, June 20th - 4 p.m., Sunday, June 24th. Attend either or both, $10-70 sliding scale each. Planning for direct action at Monsanto begins 7 p.m. Sunday, for nonviolent action Monday, June 25th. To register or for more info contact Jeff Winder at (202)234-3440, email:

"Air Shows" "Commander's Days" and other such "open house" events at air force bases and civil airports are mass entertainment spectacles using many warplanes which were specifically designed to fight nuclear wars. As such, they provide perfect opportunities for anti-nuclear and peace activists to educate the public and to protest nuclear weapons. When else are nuclear weapons delivery systems making appearances in people's communities? (There are 500 "air shows" in North America every year!) The experience of opponents to Ottawa's National Capitol Air Show has been documented in a 30 minute documentary video, "Mother's Day at the War Show," by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT, 541 McLeod St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 5R2, (613)231-3076, email: COAT has produced pamphlets and booklets and posted generalized information for organizing around these war promotions on their web site,

...The Shundahai Network has recently moved its home from Las Vegas to Pahrump, Nevada. Shundahai has organized regular gatherings at the Nevada Test Site in conjunction with the Western Shoshone tribe since 1994. Pahrump is nearer to the nuclear weapons test site and the planned Yucca Mountain radioactive waste burial site. Contact the Shundahai Network, P.O. Box 6360, Pahrump, NV 89041, (775)537-6088,

There is now a website detailing the chronology of Plowshares actions - find it at (This site must be viewed using a newer browser.)