Ten citizen weapon inspectors cut through the fence at the Volkel
Air Force Base in the Netherlands December 27, after local police refused
their request to take action against government officials involved in the
conspiracy to commit genocide through the use of nuclear weapons.
Inspectors ranged throughout the base, photographing areas where U.S.
military personnel work to oversee eleven nuclear weapons believed to be
bunkered there.
All ten inspectors were eventually arrested and taken to jail. The eight Dutch inspectors, charged with damaging property, were released after two days. David Heller from England and Canadian Tooker Gomberg were jailed until January 3 and then deported back to their homelands as a "threat to public order."
During their incarceration, smaller inspection actions continued at the base, and several meters of fence were removed. On the outside wall of the nearby military police station was painted "Don't deport the peace activists."
For more information, contact For Mother Earth, Maria Hendrikaplein 5, 9000 Gent, Belgium, tel: +32-9-242-8752, e-mail: international@motherearth.org; web: www.motherearth.org.