From across the U.S., demonstrators from Voices in the Wilderness gathered January 14 outside the USS Intrepid war museum, a New York City institution notable for an exhibit offering children the video entertainment experience of a simulated bombing run over Iraq. Preparing a ration-sized meal of lentils, rice, and untreated East River water, the activists offered their own "simulation" of the continuing war against Iraq. The action resulted in six arrests for criminal trespass when members of the group invited workers to join them in the meal. Lori Blanding, Kathy Kelly, Karl Meyer, Phil Runkel, Bert Sacks, and Daniel Sheehan were cited and released less than an hour later.

Two days later, on the tenth anniversary of the bombardment of Iraq that began the Gulf War, Voices activists and others repeated the war simulation by preparing the same marginal meal in front of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. When sixteen people went to invite departing Ambassador Richard Holbrook and his staff to share the meal and reflect on the deadly effect of U.N./U.S. sanctions on the Iraqi children, they were arrested on the steps. All were held overnight. Upon their release, thirteen people agreed to deferred prosecution pending dismissal if they avoid arrest. Jesuit priests Daniel Berrigan, John Dear, and Simon Harak will return for trial February 6.

For more information, contact Voices in the Wilderness, (773)784-8065, or

In Great Britain, two hundred people gathered outside the Houses of Parliament on January 16 to protest British government support for the on-going bombing and sanctions against Iraq. Large numbers of police corralled the demonstrators, and 15 people were arrested for blocking the roadway. Two London Catholic Workers were arrested for "contempt of Parliament" when they brought the protest inside the grounds. Ciaron O'Reilly and Scott Albrecht were later released without charges.

For more information, contact the Bristol Peace & Justice Group at, or Ciaron O'Reilly at