...A Peace of My Mind-the Unrepentant Peacenik is Dr. Roger Axford's amazing life, told in a collection of short and easy to read essays. He was jailed for refusing to kill in World War II, and for more than half a century since then, Roger has traveled the world, promoting justice and peace while celebrating life as a husband, father, educator, writer, and relentless funny guy. The book is dedicated to his equally versatile friend, the late Steve Allen, and carries endorsements reflecting Roger's eclectic reach: from radical historian Howard Zinn to Arizona's first woman governor, Rose Mofford. Painless mini-lessons on living for peace, joyfully. $18 includes shipping from Enlightenment Press, 2354 E. Pebble Beach, Tempe, AZ 85282.

...The New England War Resisters League will host a Nonviolence Skill Building Weekend and Training for Trainers, March 2-4 at Pendle Hill in Charlton, Massachusetts. For more information, call (860)455-0583, (508)791-1849 or (617)287-2072; or email