At the Andrews Air Force Base open house last May, Sam Hochstetler and Greg Boertje-Obed held a banner in front of a B-52 reading "Swords into Plowshares", while Kristin Betts handed out leaflets that said, "Weapons of destruction. Nothing to celebrate."

Upon conviction for trespass on October 23, the federal prosecutor portrayed the peaceful witness as more than a simple criminal offense, but a threat to military morale and the defense of the nation. With apparent agreement, the judge sentenced all three to jail: Hochstetler for 30 days, Betts for 60, and Boertje-Obed, for his lengthy protest rap sheet, a full six months. Only Boertje-Obed remains behind bars, due to be released in April.

For more information, contact Jonah House at or (410)233-4067.

Letters of support should be sent to Greg Boertje-Obed, #08052-016, FCI Fort Dix, P.O. Box 7000, Fort Dix, NJ 08640.