Brief updates on previously reported arrests

NEVADA TEST SITE: Susi Snyder's appeal of her conviction of trespass, resisting arrest, and being a "public nuisance" at last February's Oboe 3 subcritical nuclear test was recently denied, and she will return to the Nye County Jail to serve ten more days beginning November 7. She has also been fined $450 and will accept contributions toward its payment. Snyder is a stalwart with the activist Shundahai Network, 5007 Elmhurst Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89108; (702)647-3095...

NEW YORK AIR NATIONAL GUARD: Frank Carver, Mike De Waele and Nick Golder were sentenced September 12 to 200 hours community service and one year probation for trespass last winter at Hancock Air National Guard Base in upstate New York. Jan Bazila, Bill Griffen, and Dick Keough were sentenced August 16 to 100 hours community service for a companion action. Both groups sought to bring food and medicine to Guard airplanes departing the base for bombing duty over Iraq. The judge will ask the Air Force to justify its claim of $32,000 restitution at a hearing October 25...

ALEXANDER NIKITIN: As a last hurrah (and shot in the dark), Russian prosecutors hauled nuclear whistleblower and Navy veteran Aleksander Nikitin before the Supreme Court Presidium on September 13. This penultimate appeal of Nikitin's acquittal after years of imprisonment, house arrest and harassment was also refused, leaving the finally unfettered Nikitin free to continue his research with the Norwegian environmental group Bellona...

CROSS AND SWORD: Three Canadian Christians were found guilty of mischief last June 19 and then given an absolute discharge instead of a sentence after the court learned that they had no intention of repeating their action. Len Desroches, Rev. Don Heap, and Rev. Bob Holmes were arrested on Good Friday, 1999, when they attempted to ceremoniously remove a sword from the center of a large stone cross in a war memorial at St. Paul's, an Anglican "Garrison" Church in Toronto. The action was part of the trio's public challenge to the support of a Christian church for acts of war. Their trial was held in May, and on its eve a public forum on the question "Is War Ever Just?" was moderated by the Right Rev. Terence Finlay, Anglican Bishop of Toronto, and featuring defendant Holmes along with the Anglican Chaplain to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Ethicist Coordinator for the Anglican Church of Canada...

CLINTON MOTORCADE: Columbia, Missouri, Catholic Worker Steve Jacobs was convicted August 8 of willfully disobeying a police officer in July, when he held up the President's motorcade through town with a blockade of four quickly-placed baby dolls. As a statement against the sanctions on Iraq, each doll had a sign around its neck stating "I am a dying Iraqi child... " Jacobs told the judge "...I am willing to take the legal consequences because an Iraqi child dies on the average of every 12 minutes and I don't believe that innocent civilians should have to pay for the mistakes of their leaders. I would rather go to jail and become a powerless criminal in this time of criminal power." Jacobs was sentenced to unsupervised probation, a suspended fine and 25 hours community service...

MILWAUKEE WAR TAX RESISTANCE: Four men who brought anti-war signs and songs to the doors of the federal tax office in Milwaukee last Tax Day had their disorderly conduct charges dismissed, but prosecutors reserved the right to refile a lesser charge against one of them...

HAMILTON AIR SHOW: Pre-trial hearings this month should result in a trial date for 21 people arrested during protests at the Ontario "war show" last June. One juvenile defendant accepted a conditional discharge pending a period of no arrests...

ALLIANT TECH: Four people face misdemeanor charges at trial October 11 for last June's die-in at the gates of the Hopkins, Minnesota weapons maker. Two others who poured blood during the demonstration face felony charges and have not yet been given a trial date...

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE: Twelve people arrested at last July's ballistic missile defense test launch were arraigned in federal court in California on September 8. All pled not guilty to trespass and await a trial date...

ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE: Three people arrested at the May, 2000, air show will face trial October 23 in Maryland...

PENTAGON: Felton Davis and Peter DeMott go to trial October 24 in Alexandria, Virginia, for their August, 1999 arrests, which violated conditions of an earlier probation...