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A Call to Rethink, Revel, Resist and Recreate will bring people together
for the Newport Peace Festival October 14-15 in Newport, Rhode Island.
Plans include civil disobedience at the Newport War College and the Naval
Underwater Warfare Center. For more information contact the War Resisters
League/New England, POB 1093, Norwich, CT 06360 (860-5337; wrlne@peoplepc.com
A DAY WITHOUT THE PENTAGON October 16th: A Day without the Pentagon. Regional nonviolent direct actions coordinated by the War Resisters' League. In Las Vegas, NV there will be an event at Nellis Air Force Base including prayers for peace and safety and a Citizen Inspection Team. For more information please call Nevada Desert Experience (702) 646-4814.
on Walking Forward. The annual vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience
to close the School of the Americas will take place November 17-19 at Fort
Benning, Georgia. Scenario orientation and logistics meetings will take
place Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18. Saturday afternoon will
be a legal vigil at the gate, and Sunday is set for civil disobedience.
As always, a solemn funeral procession will cross the line onto Ft. Benning.
In addition, the scenario includes space for affinity groups to engage
in other forms of nonviolent direct action. For more information, contact
SOA Watch, P.O. Box 4566, Washington, DC 20010; (202)234-3440; or visit
PENTAGON/DC The Atlantic Life Community will host a Faith and Resistance retreat to observe the Feast of the Holy Innocents with resistance to militarism, December 27-30, in Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21216, disarmnow@erols.com
annual Holy Innocents vigil and line crossing at Nebraska's Offut Air Force
Base, home of the nuclear forces command center, StratCom, will also take
place in late December, 2000. For more information, contact the Des Moines
Catholic Worker, (515)243-0765.
NEVADA TEST SITE/ATOMIC VETERANS Remember Operation Ranger - a 50th anniversary commemoration of the start of nuclear bombing at the Nevada Test Site, sponsored by the Alliance of Atomic Veterans, January 27, 2001. For more information, contact Charlie Hilfenhaus, chilfenhaus@juno.com, or call Nevada Desert Experience at (702)646-4814.
next planned civil disobedience at Lockheed Martin Corporation in Valley
Forge, PA, will occur Monday, January 15, Martin Luther King Jr., Day.
For more information, contact Brandywine Peace Community, P.O. Box 81,
Swarthmore, PA 19081 (610)544-1818, brandywine@Juno.com
next civil resistance action at the Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Y-12 nuclear
weapons plant is planned for April 8, following a day-long Nonviolent Community
workshop. For more information, contact the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace
Alliance, 100 Tulsa Rd., Suite 4A, Oak Ridge, TN 37380, (423)483-8202;
orep@earthlink.net web: www.stopthebombs.org
next mass international citizen's weapons and war crimes inspection at
Kleine-Brogel Air Force Base in the Netherlands, "Bomspotting III",
will take place on April 16, 2001. For more information, contact, Voor
Moeder Aarde (For Mother Earth), Maria-Hendrikaplein 5-6, 9000 Gent, Belgium.
Tel. +32-9-2428752; international@motherearth.org