...Learn how private corporations dump nuclear waste where the state of Texas won't. Visit
...The Prairie Island Coalition wants you to know how your local nukes work, and how they affect you and your health. Visit their e-video Good Nukes - Almost Good Enough at
...The 4th Annual National Conference on Organized Resistance (formerly the National Conference on Civil Disobedience), will take place at American University in Washington, D.C., in January 2001. Workshop proposals are due by October 18th. Organizers will provide transportation to and hospitality in Washington, D.C., if your proposal is accepted. Please visit for detailed information, or contact the National Conference on Organized Resistance, 4310 Brandywine St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20016; fax (212)228-6193; email
...The Prisoners' Guerrilla Handbook to Correspondence Programs in the United States and Canada by Jon Marc Taylor is a resource guide listing 212 program outlines, including high school, vocational, paralegal and college courses, as well as free programs for the blind. Accompanying text guides the prisoner student through the challenges and rewards of continuing education behind bars. The author is a Missouri prisoner who successfully completed B.S. and M.A. degrees by mail during his imprisonment. Available direct from Audenreed Press, POB 1305, Brunswick, ME 04011. $21.95 + $2 shipping; $3 less when sent direct to prisoners.
... PeaceWriting International Writing Awards: $500 prize for best full-length, unpublished book manuscript in each of three categories (nonfiction, fiction/poetry/drama, writing for young people); deadline for submissions each year 12/1; for guidelines: PeaceWriting, 2582 Jimmie Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72703-3420; (501)442-4600; Sponsored by the Consortium of Peace Research, Education and Development (COPRED).
... Housmans Peace Diary 2001. The 48th edition pocket sized, week-to-view diary with quotations and dates for celebration or protest, plus directory of 2000 peace, environmental and human rights groups around the world. US$7.95/Can$9.95 +$4 shipping from Housmans, 5 Caledonian Rd., London N1 9DX, England, UK.
... The Woman Who Knew Too Much: Alice Stewart and the Secrets of Radiation by Gayle Greene. "More than a biography of the pioneering British epidemiologist, this new book details the ways in which the nuclear establishment seeks to stonewall information that challenges its public pronouncements. It lucidly explains scientific discoveries central to the controversy over nuclear waste disposal, safety standards and compensation claims." $28 + $4 shipping from University of Michigan Press, POB 1104, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1104. (734)764-4392.
...Nevada Desert Experience In the Nuclear Age, video about nuclearism and faith-based resistance to weapons testing. Featuring Joanna Macy, John Dear, Rosemary Lynch, June Stark Casey, Louis Vitale and others. 25 minutes. Available for $15 from Nevada Desert Experience, P.O. Box 46645, Las Vegas, NV 89114, (702)646-4814,