[Editor's note: some of these 'future actions' have already occurred since the web edition became available on August 19. We are including them anyway, in case you wish to contact the organizations involved.]
Nuclear Free Action Camps
Two Nuclear Free Action Camps are scheduled this summer. Camps include training for nonviolent direct action, organizational skills development, issues workshops, and nonviolent direct action.
* Nuclear Free Northeast Camp will take place August 18-22 in Dummerston, Vermont, with concluding action at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Contact Citizens Awareness Network (Nuclear Free Northeast Campaign) at (413)339-5781; can@shaysnet.com
* Nuclear Free Great Lakes Camp takes place August 13-20 in southwest Michigan, with nonviolent direct action at Cook nuclear power plant. Contact the Nuclear Energy Information Service (Nuclear Free Great Lakes Campaign) at (843)869-7650; neis@forward.net
Both camps are organized with the assistance of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, (202)328-0002; www.nirs.org
Nuclear Weapons Abolition Days
October 1 will be the next Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day of nonviolent direct actions at NATO nuclear weapons bases. Action planning is already underway in the Netherlands and Belgium, where the presumed presence of battle-ready U.S. B-61 nuclear weapons and NATO F-16 bombers is a clear violation of the 1996 World Court opinion on nuclear weapons. Hundreds have been arrested at allied demonstrations in the past, but not prosecuted. For more information, contact For Mother Earth International, Maria Hendrikaplein 5-6, 9000 Gent, Belgium, +32-9-242-87-52; international@motherearth.org and www.motherearth.org "Groups with no former experience in organising direct actions at nuclear weapon facilities are very welcome to contact For Mother Earth for advice."
Stop the Militarization of Space
October 7 has been designated as an International Day of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space by the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. The Pentagon has announced plans for another National Missile Defense test sometime in October. Local events will include vigils, rallies, and in some places, nonviolent direct action. The militarization of space involves not only elements of the Star Wars ballistic and theater missile "defense", but the use of these and other technologies to advance corporate globalization behind a fist of conventional militarism directed from on high.
A major west coast demonstration at Vandenberg Air Force Base at Lompoc, California on October 7 will include a legal rally, civil disobedience action at the main gate, and a backcountry mass incursion onto the base. For more information, contact the Vandenberg Action Coalition via email at drd864904@cs.com or pnut119@hotmail.com, or call Hannah at the Resource Center for Nonviolence (831)423-1626.
For information on other October 7 events, contact the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, P.O. Box 90083, Gainesville, FL 32607; (352)337-9274; globalnet@mindspring.com or on the net at www.globenet.free-online.co.uk
Yucca Mountain
Nuclear Free Yucca Mountain is the theme of this fall's peace camp and nonviolent direct action, October 7-9 at the Peace Camp, Nevada Nuclear Test Site. Yucca Mountain, adjacent to the Nevada Test Site, is the designated repository for U.S. irradiated ("spent") nuclear fuel. For more information, contact the Shundahai Network, 5007 Elmhurst Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89108; (702)647-3095; shundahai@shundahai.org or on the net at www.shundahai.org
Newport War College
Plans are underway for an October 2000 Peace Festival which will include civil disobedience at the Newport War College and the Naval Underwater Warfare Center in Newport, RI. For more info contact Jon Rehmus (413)624-3025 or Phil Edmonds (401)273-4650.
School of the Americas
The annual vigil and nonviolent civil disobedience to close the School of the Americas will take place November 17-19 at Fort Benning, Georgia. Scenario orientation and logistics meetings will take place Friday and Saturday, November 17 and 18. Saturday afternoon will be a legal vigil at the gate, and Sunday is set for civil disobedience. For more information, contact SOA Watch, P.O. Box 4566, Washington, DC 20010; (202)234-3440; or visit www.soaw.org
Nevada Test Site/Atomic Veterans
Remember Operation Ranger - a 50th anniversary commemoration of the start of nuclear bombing at the Nevada Test Site, sponsored by the Alliance of Atomic Veterans, January 27, 2001. For more information, contact Charlie Hilfenhaus, chilfenhaus@juno.com, or call Nevada Desert Experience at (702)646-4814.
Washington Gathering to Free Vanunu: Three Days of Support for Israel's Nuclear Whistleblower
Activists from across the U.S. will gather September 26-28 for a conference,
vigil and protest rally marking the 14th anniversary of the kidnapping
and imprisonment of Mordechai Vanunu, Israeli nuclear whistleblower. Events
calling for Vanunu's immediate and unconditional release are: A September
26 conference, from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., followed by a dinner and evening program;
a dawn to dusk vigil at the Israeli Embassy and Capitol Hill lobbying on
September 27; and a noon-hour mass rally at the Israeli Embassy on September
28. Conference speakers include Daniel Ellsberg, Rabbi Phillip Bentley,
Elizabeth McAlister, Ernest Rodker, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton and Nicholas
and Mary Eoloff, Mordechai's adoptive parents. There will also be vigils
that week for Vanunu's release all over the world. For more information
about the Washington, D.C. events, contact The U.S. Campaign to Free Mordechai
Vanunu, 2206 Fox Avenue, Madison, WI 53711, phone/fax 608-257-4764, email
samday@chorus.net or on the net
at www.nonviolence.org/vanunu