...North American Trident resisters will find a valuable research resource in a series of papers written by former Lockheed missile engineer Robert Aldridge and published by the Pacific Life Research Center. Current papers and a catalog (.pdf format) are available on inquiry from the author at, and also on the Ground Zero Center web site at and in the Nuclear Files of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation at
...Do you have any photos, videotape or films of protests, gatherings, etc. of Stop Project ELF Seafarer, or Sanguine? These materials are needed for a documentary on the history of ELF with an emphasis on some of the latest actions. All materials will be returned and credited in the documentary. Contact Beth C. Austin; 4911 W. Louise Ave., 3F; Skokie, IL 60077; (847)329-7966;
...REQUEST FOR TRIDENT FILMS: A documentary on Trident and Trident Resistance is being produced by Glen Milner and Mike McCormick (with the support of Ground Zero). They are searching for film of Trident resistance actions/demonstrations to be incorporated into the piece. If you have any film and/or videos that you would be willing to let them use (the originals to be returned) please contact Glen ASAP at or at 3227 NE 198th Place, Seattle, WA 98155.