
...Defending Civil Resistance Under International Law, by Professor of International Law Francis Anthony Boyle, is now available on-line from This is the classic 1987 handbook for attorneys and pro-se defendants who wish to defend their peace actions in court on the basis of international law. Paperback, 379 pages, Transnational Pub Co; ISBN: 094132043X. $10.

...The second edition of Resources for Radicals, an annotated bibliography of print resources for those involved in movements for social transformation, is now available from Toronto Action for Social Change, P.O. Box 73620, 509 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto, Ontario, M6C 1C0 Canada. A wide range of topics are touched on by compiler and annotator Brian Burch, from meeting facilitation to community gardening to civil disobedience to union organizing. Work coming from such struggles as the feminist, animal rights, ecology and the peace movement abound. $11 Canada, $12 U.S., $14.00 elsewhere (including postage and handling). A good contemporary resource.

...Nonviolent Direct Action for the Globalization of Justice is the theme for an international conference on the strategy of nonviolent resistance and a seminar for trainers, teachers and organizers of civil disobedience. Place and time: Montreal, autumn, 2000. Organized by the Collective for autonomous nonviolent actions (Canevas) and Operation SalAMI, both part of the mass mobilization that confronted the 1998 MAI (Multi-lateral Agreement on Investments) meetings in Montreal with civil disobedience. "In order to confront and transform the current 'globalization of injustice,' we activists need to share our winning strategies, study those of others and put them into practice." For more information, contact SalAMI, P.O. Box 55031, Station Fairmount, Montreal, Quebec, (Canada) H2T 2M8, (514)273-1560;

...The next European Hope & Resistance gathering will occur May 12-17th, 2000, in Oxford, England. European Hope & Resistance is a network of nonviolent activists organized by ploughshares and other nonviolent resistance groups working on issues including peace, the environment and human rights. The gatherings explore issues around nonviolent resistance, the escalation of civil disobedience and actions which uphold justice; hold workshops offered by participants; share experiences and offer one another support. Themes for this gathering are "Evaluating our nonviolent resistance" and "Sustainability and support." Vegan meals, English language workshops. £50 registration includes accommodations and meals for five days. For further details and to register please contact Rowan Tilly, P.O. Box 3279, Brighton, BN1 1TL, UK. Phone/fax: +(44)-1273-625-173;