
The Bread and Roses Affinity Group will hold a "Death and Taxes Resistance Festival" on April 15 in Andover, MA. A puppet parade from the IRS to Raytheon corporate offices will be followed by a blockade of Raytheon's driveways. For more information, contact breadandroses_wrl@yahoo.com or call (978)688-3569. Join the Bombspotting II !

NATO/Kleine Brogel

A Walk with Actors around and in the NATO Nuclear Weapons Base of Kleine Brogel on Easter Monday, April 24, 2000 at 12 o'clock. Meeting Place: Sint Jozefzaal, Pieter Breughellaan 10, Kleine Brogel. For Mother Earth, Maria-Hendrikaplein 5-6, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Phone +32-9-242 87 52, Fax +32-9-242 87 51

Nevada Test Site/Nevada Desert Experience

The Holy Week Peace Walk from Las Vegas to the Nevada Test Site will begin on Palm Sunday, April 16, in Las Vegas, and arrive at the Test Site Peace Camp Thursday evening. Events Good Friday through Easter Sunday, April 23 may include line-crossing divine obedience. For more information, contact Nevada Desert Experience, P.O. Box 46645, Las Vegas, NV 89114, (702)646-4814, nde@igc.org

Lockheed Martin

"Christ Crucified - Warfare to Welfare" is the theme of a Stations of the Cross liturgy and civil disobedience planned for noon on Good Friday, April 21, at Lockheed Martin in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Demonstrations and civil disobedience at Lockheed Martin will also observe the anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. For more information, contact Brandywine Peace Community, P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA 19081, (610)544-1818; brandywine@juno.com

Nevada Test Site/Honor the Mother 2000

Honor the Mother 2000, gathering and nonviolent direct action at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, May 11-14, 2000. Sponsored by Healing Global Wounds for education, community and skills building, spiritual healing for earth and self, and taking personal action to halt destruction of the earth. For more information, contact Healing Global Wounds, P.O. Box 420, Tecopa, CA 92389; (760)852-4175; heal@kay-net.com


"Don't Shock Your Mother!" Mothers' Day weekend events and action to abolish the Navy's E.L.F. transmitter, May 12-14. Friday evening benefit concert in Duluth with Dar Williams; Saturday nonviolence training, action planning and potluck meals in Duluth; Sunday rally and nonviolent direct action at Project ELF, near Clam Lake, Wisconsin. For weekend registration and Duluth hospitality information, call Loaves & Fishes Catholic Worker, (218)724-2054. For more info, contact Nukewatch at (715)472-4185, nukewtch@win.bright.net

Hamilton Air Show

The Father's Day Coalition for Peace continues their effort to shut down the Hamilton International Air Show, held every year on Father's Day to the glorification of aerial warfare. Nonviolent direct action is planned for the protest next June 18. For more information, contact Hamilton Action for Social Change, c/o 1280 Main Street West, Box 19, Hamilton ON, L8S 1C0; (905)528-5925; hasc@tao.ca

Nuclear Free Action Camps

The Nuclear Free Northeast and Nuclear Free Great Lakes Campaigns will be holding action camps in southern Vermont and southwest Michigan this summer. Camps include training for nonviolent direct action, organizational, skills development, and issues workshops, and nonviolent direct action at the Vermont Yankee and Cook nuclear power plants. For camp dates and other details, contact Citizens Awareness Network (Nuclear Free Northeast Campaign) at (413)339-5781; can@shaysnet.com or the Nuclear Energy Information Service (Nuclear Free Great Lakes Campaign) at (843)869-7650; neis@forward.net

Trident Ploughshares 2000

Scottish CND and Trident Ploughshares are organizing a May Carnival at the main gates of Faslane Naval Base on Saturday, May 13, starting at 10 a.m. Reflecting the Trident Ploughshares 2000 campaign's intent to pursue the disarmament of Trident wherever it is manifest in Great Britain, the next TP2000 action camp will take place at the Aldermaston nuclear weapons establishment in England, May 19-22. The summer action camp will return to Coulport, August 1-15, with a major blockade at Faslane planned for August 1, when a summer peace walk from Aldermaston arrives. For more information, contact Trident Ploughshares 2000, 42-46 Bethel Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 1NR, UK, tel + 44 (0) 1324 880744; tp2000@gn.apc.org


The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA) plans a major demonstration including civil resistance at the Y-12 uranium processing plant on Hiroshima Day, August 6. For more information, contact OREPA, 100 Tulsa Rd., Suite 4A, Oak Ridge, TN 37380, (423)483-8202; orep@earthlink.net

People's Campaign for Nonviolence

The People's Campaign for Nonviolence will be a public, faith-based 40-day campaign for disarmament and justice in Washington, D.C., July 1 - August 9, 2000. Among other events including nonviolence trainings with Rev. James Lawson and a kick-off panel discussion, daily rallies and nonviolent direct actions will take place variously at the White House, Pentagon, and Capitol, including a major march on the White House on Hiroshima Day, August 6, calling for nuclear disarmament, racial and economic justice, and in particular, lifting the economic sanctions against Iraq (on this 10th anniversary). For more information, contact the Fellowship of Reconciliation, POB 271, Nyack, NY 10960; (914)358-4601; peoplescampaign@forusa.org

Yorktown NWS

In conjunction with the Pax Christi National Assembly, a nonviolent witness will take place 10 a.m. on July 31, at Yorktown Naval Weapons Station in Virginia, where the Navy keeps W-88 nuclear warheads ready to be fitted onto Tomahawk cruise missiles. For more information, contact Norfolk Catholic Worker, 1321 W. 38th St., Norfolk, VA 23508, (757)423-5420.

Newport War College

Plans are underway for an October 2000 Peace Festival which will include civil disobedience at the Newport War College and the Naval Underwater Warfare Center in Newport, RI. For more info contact Jon Rehmus (413)624-3025 or Phil Edmonds (401)273-4650.

Nevada Test Site/Atomic Veterans

Atomic Veterans Remember Operation Ranger - a 50th anniversary commemoration of the start of nuclear bombing at the Nevada Test Site, sponsored by the Alliance of Atomic Veterans, January 27, 2001. For more information, contact Charlie Hilfenhaus, chilfenhaus@juno.com

Holy Week/DC

Jonah House and the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker will sponsor a Faith and Resistance Retreat in Washington, D.C., April 19-22. For more information, contact Jonah House, 1301 Moreland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21216, disarmnow@erols.com


The annual Good Friday observance and ritual of resistance at Livermore nuclear weapons lab will begin at 6:45 a.m. on April 21. Gather at East Ave. and Vasco Rd., off I-580. For more information, call (510)527-8370.