- from Lewisburg:
Daniel Sicken
All 500 Minuteman III ICBMs, located in underground silos in five western states, are being modified to increase flexibility, accuracy, and first strike capability well into the next century. This enhanced deadliness is a factor that lured Sachio Ko-Yin and me to silo N-7 on Hiroshima Day, 1998.
A "Declaration to the Court," prepared by Robert Aldridge (which we read to the court during sentencing) and "Dangerous Directions" by William Arkin in the March/April issue of The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists contain the following:
- Beginning in 1995 and recently completed, the 50 launch control centers have been equipped with "Rapid Execution and Combat Targeting." This allows retargeting of each missile to preset coordinates within a few minutes. It is also now possible to "stand down" the missiles (which are now on 'launch-on-warning' alert status) - yet retain the ability to go instantly to alert and launch. So much for the deceptive statement by President Clinton that U.S. missiles are not aimed at Russian targets.
- The following two items are scheduled for completion in 2001:
1) $2.7 billion upgrading of MMIII missile guidance systems by Boeing Corp.
(yes, builders of the crashing passenger planes).
2) Replacement of all rocket motors for compatibility with the latest solid
fuel propellants.
This prison does feel like a most appropriate place to be.
[Daniel Sicken is serving a 40 month sentence in federal prison for
the disarmament action at the Colorado nuclear missile noted in his essay.]