Jabiluka Plowshares Return to Jail

Jabiluka Ploughshares activists Treena Lenthall and Ciaron O'Reilly are on their way back to Australia's Northern Territory. By January 15, they expected to begin serving 66 more days in jail for refusing to pay court costs and restitution totaling over $13,000 to the owners of the Jabiluka uranium mine, whose equipment they disabled in the August, 1998 disarmament action. They wrote in November, "We return to the uranium mines of the Northern Territory around the 9th anniversary of the Gulf War... (W)e have come to understand the 1991 Gulf Massacre as a nuclear war - with the combat debut of depleted uranium munitions... We return to the uranium mines to speak truth to power in solidarity with all those suffering from this deadly trade and industry.

"We return to jail in solidarity with Mordechai Vanunu, Michele Naar-Obed, Daniel Sicken, Sachio Ko-Yin, Rosie James, Rachel Wenham, Silvia Boyles, River and all others in jail or in front of the courts for nonviolent resistance to nuclear terror."

Letters of support, information requests, and contributions should be sent to Jabiluka Ploughshares, c/o P.O. Box 3818, Darwin NT 0801, Australia; email: ploughshares@wildmail.com web: http://www.powerup.com.au/~legoullon/plowshares.htm