Future Actions
Menwith Hill
The Campaign for Accountability of American Bases and Yorkshire
CND are planning a "big happening" at Menwith Hill spy base on
Saturday, March 4. "Capture the nonviolent spirit of Seattle!"
For more information, contact CAAB, 8 Park Row, Otley, West Yorkshire,
LS21 1HQ, England, U.K.; email: caab.lindis_anni@virgin.net
web: http://www.gn.apc.org/cndyorks/caab/
The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA) continues
their campaign of civil resistance at the Y-12 uranium processing plant
on April 8-9, when the participation of students from several regional
colleges and universities is expected. For more information, contact OREPA,
100 Tulsa Rd., Suite 4A, Oak Ridge, TN 37380, (423)483-8202; orep@earthlink.net
Nevada Test Site/Honor the Mother 2000
Start planning now for Honor the Mother 2000 gathering and
nonviolent direct action at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site, May 11-14, 2000.
Sponsored by Healing Global Wounds for education, community and skills
building, spiritual healing for earth and self, and taking personal action
to halt destruction of the earth. For more information, contact Healing
Global Wounds, P.O. Box 420, Tecopa, CA 92389; (760)852-4175; heal@kay-net.com
People's Campaign for Nonviolence
The People's Campaign for Nonviolence will be a public, faith-based 40-day
campaign for disarmament and justice in Washington, D.C., July 1 - August
9, 2000. Among other events including nonviolence trainings with Rev. James
Lawson and a kick-off panel discussion, daily rallies and nonviolent direct
actions will take place variously at the White House, Pentagon, and Capitol,
including a major march on the White House on Hiroshima Day, August 6,
calling for nuclear disarmament, racial and economic justice, and in particular,
the lifting the economic sanctions against Iraq (on this 10th anniversary).
For more information, contact the Fellowship of Reconciliation, POB 271,
Nyack, NY 10960; (914)358-4601; peoplescampaign@forusa.org
Yorktown NWS
In conjunction with the Pax Christi National Assembly in
July, 2000, a nonviolent witness will take place at Yorktown Naval Weapons
Station in Virginia, where the Navy keeps W-88 nuclear warheads ready to
be fitted onto Tomahawk cruise missiles. For more information on the action
and a planned series of vigils leading up to it, contact Norfolk Catholic
Worker, 1321 W. 38th St., Norfolk, VA 23508, (757)423-5420.
Newport War College
Plans are underway for an October 2000 Peace Festival which
will include civil disobedience at the Newport War College and the Naval
Underwater Warfare Center in Newport, RI. For more info contact Jon Rehmus
(413)624-3025 or Phil Edmonds (401)273-4650.
The Bread and Roses Affinity Group will hold a "Death
and Taxes Resistance Festival" on April 15 in Andover, MA. A puppet
parade from the IRS to Raytheon corporate offices will be followed by a
blockade of Raytheon's driveways. For more info, contact breadandroses_wrl@yahoo.com
or call (978)688-3569.