...Doing Time: 25 Years of Prison Writing (ISBN# 1-55970-478-0) is a new anthology of award-winning fiction, essays, and poetry from behind bars, edited by Bell Gale Chevigny, forward by Sr. Helen Prejean. $27.95 from Arcade Publishing, (212)475-2633.
...The Ninth International Conference on Penal Abolition will be held in Toronto, Canada, May 10-13, 2000. One major theme to be explored by activists, academics, ex-prisoners and community members is the corporate agenda of prisons as industry. For more information, contact ICOPA IX, c/o Rittenhouse: A New Vision, 736 Bathurst St. Suite #213, Toronto ON M5S 2R4, Canada; (416)538-6900; email: web:
...The Jury Power Information Kit, an 8-page newsprint pamphlet published by the Fully Informed Jury Association (P.O.B. 59, Helmville, MT 59843) is an excellent primer and resource on jury nullification for activists and potential jurors alike. Send a buck and SASE, or get it online at
...Housmans Peace Diary 2000 is the 47th edition of the pocket-size, week-to-a-view calendar with quotations and dates for celebration or protest. Superb desk & travel directory to 2000 Peace, environmental, & human rights groups from around the world, updated annually. US $7.95/ Can$9.95/ £6.95 includes postage. (checks in $ must be made payable to "New Society Publishers") Order from Housmans, 5 Caledonian Rd. London N1 9DX, England, UK.
...The Women of Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp submitted plans last July to develop a Commemorative and Historical Site on the land at Yellow Gate that has been continually occupied by women engaged in nonviolent nuclear resistance since September, 1981. The planned commemoration will represent the four earthly elements and incorporate seven standing stones and original sculptures as a mark of resistance to nuclear weapons in Britain. The site is seen as extending the influence of the Women's Peace Camp work into the future, beyond the physical presence of the Camp. The peace camp will be closed down when work on the site commences, sometime in 2000. For more information, contact Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, Yellow Gate, Greenham Common, Berkshire RG19 6HN, England, UK. email: web:
...The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space is gearing up the campaign to stop this summer's anticipated announcement for early deployment of a ballistic missile defense (BMD or Star Wars) system. A new brochure is available (free) and a major Keep Space for Peace conference and lobbying are scheduled for April 14-17 in Washington D.C. Network members will also be on hand in Albuquerque on January 31 to protest a convention of star warriors. For copies of the brochure and other information about the campaign, contact the Network at P.O. Box 90083, Gainesville, FL 32607, (352)337-9274; email: web:
...The European Hope & Resistance Gathering is provisionally set
to take place May 12-17, somewhere in Great Britain. European Hope &
Resistance is a network of nonviolent activists organized by ploughshares
and other nonviolent resistance groups working on issues which include
peace, environment, human rights. This year they hope to be joined by activists
from the U.S. to explore the themes of this gathering:
1) Evaluating our nonviolent resistance and
2) Sustainability and support. For more information and to register, contact
Rowan Tilly, Box 13, Peace and Environment Centre, 43 Gardner Street, Brighton,
BN1 1UN, England, UK. Phone/Fax: 01273 625173;
...SOA resister Ed Kinane produced a timely primer on practical considerations for potential peace prisoners, for a workshop he helped present for repeat line-crossers at the SOA last November. We liked it, and Ed will be happy to send a copy to anyone who can send a dollar and an SASE to Ed Kinane, 340 Midland Ave., Syracuse, NY, 13202.