Last December four people were arrested at the Canungra Land Warfare Centre in Australia, to protest the training there of Indonesian troops and the 23rd anniversary of the Indonesian invasion of East Timor. At their trial last March, all were able to give evidence of the oppression of the Indonesian military and Australia's complicity except for Jim Dowling, who was removed from the court for refusing to swear on the bible. He told the court that he had too much respect for the bible to take an oath upon it in a court where he had seen too many lies perpetrated. The four were convicted and variously fined $100-$500.
In September, Jim Dowling was brought to court for refusing to pay his $500 fine, and sentenced to 30 days in jail; ironically, as the Australian government announced the cessation of training for Indonesian troops at Canungra, and for the same reasons Dowling gave to justify his protest.
Several other recent protests of Australian complicity in Indonesian war-making in East Timor have also resulted in arrests. Jim Dowling was reported released from jail in early October.
Letters of support can be sent to Jim at 269 Boundary St., West End, Brisbane, QLD 4101 Australia.