In Jail Again
Holy Ritual of Resistance
won't stop hammering "swords into plowshares"
won't cooperate with war and violence
won't join the Corporate crusade for an arms race, weapon sales, training
programs in Schools for torture and murders
won't bless Tridents and Seawolves, nor make holy those "Corpus Christi"
and "Trinity" explosions
won't advocate for those slavery sweatshops and poisonous waste-disposal
sites in poor neighborhoods
won't bow down in those "sanctuaries" of the courts, nor follow those "divine
decrees" from earthly judges, prosecutors, and probation officers
won't process with the club of "high priests" and "acolytes" who devour
worship oil, and spread thousands of pounds of cruise missiles onto
God's creation in Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Afghanistan, Vietnam
won't pray and sing the "stars and stripes" words, won't be complicit,
won't limit
citizenship, won 't adore false gods of security
won't drop those dollars on the tax collection plate that make the rich
richer and
those made poor poorer
won't eat and feed from the table of disunion, demonizing a leader and
a race
while sanctifying another, making enemy faces in the family of God
Nope, just won't "Go in war to hate God's people and serve government."
In jail again!
And free!
by Ardeth Platte, OP
(written in December, 1998 during U.S. bombing of Iraq)