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Retired attorney and Catholic priest arrested at Volk Field drone base during air show

IMG_1848from Bonnie Block

Six hardy souls vigiled at the gates of Volk Field in Wisconsin on May 17 for over an hour with a new banner, a kite flying, and Kathy’s colorful signs saying “Fly Kites, Not Drones” which was repeated on our new t-shirts. Vigilers were Kathy (the birthday woman), Mary Beth, Jim, Cassandra, Charles, and me. Charles had to leave for his meal program dishwashing duties so he dropped off Jim and me at Nelson Park. There were carnival rides and a stage with a National Guard musical group from Peoria, IL but there weren’t many people there at all.

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~ from MDC Brooklyn, by Sr. Megan Rice

April 6, 2014 Dear sisters and brothers, at-one-with us all in this Beloved Community of participants in support of disarming now, and transforming now, the nuclear-industrial complex, wherever it rears its rapacious heads! Greetings from the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn. I arrived about ten days ago, after a BOP transit tour, […]


Women bring their message to Vermont Yankee workers, 8 arrested

photo by Marcia Gagliardi

photo by Marcia Gagliardi

from Shut It Down affinity group

VERNON, Vermont—Timing their presence to coincide with the end of the day shift at Entergy’s Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant on Monday, July 15, eight women of the Shut It Down Affinity Group displayed signs from a legally-designated spot across Route 142 from the power plant driveway as workers exited.

Linda Pon Owens of Brattleboro and Ulrike Moltke of Sharon counted more than 150 vehicles. Drivers of many of the vehicles waved cheerfully to the demonstrators, who returned the salutation. The thermometer registered 93 degrees Fahrenheit, and one worker called “Stay hydrated, Ladies,” to the demonstrators.

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Jury finds Transform Now Plowshares guilty; 3 activists jailed till September 23 sentencing

A circle of support in front of the courthouse before the first day of the Transform Now Plowshares trial in Knoxville – Michael, Megan, Greg, Greg’s wife Michele and Art.

by Patrick O’Neill

NOTE — During a Thursday morning hearing to decide if Michael, Greg and Sr. Megan would get released pending their Sept. 23 sentencing, the judge, a George W. Bush appointee to the federal bench, was clearly struggling with his decision because it appeared that he might have “no choice” but to remand them to custody because the U.S. Attorney told him a congressional law might require him to do so because the three were found guilty of sabotage — an “act of violence” against the United States. “It is preposterous that Congress would pass a law that would not distinguish between peace protestors and terrorists,” the judge said — and off to jail they went.

Knoxville, TN – In the annals of “Plowshare” lore there was nothing like it. An 83-year old nun, Sr. Megan Rice, and two other “senior citizens” as one defense attorney called Rice and her companions, Michael Walli, 63, and Greg Boertje-Obed, 57, seemed to pass through the midst of what was considered the most secure nuclear weapons facility on the planet.

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“Bush” and “Cheney” arrested!

from The Progressive

by Stephen C. Webster

DALLAS, TEXAS — Two activists wearing large paper mache masks resembling former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney were arrested Thursday, April 25 for stepping into a street during a protest of the George W. Bush presidential library.

The arrests, mere blocks away from the library on the Southern Methodist University campus, were the high-water mark of a protest that drew about 200 people, many of them wearing black clothing and white masks, carrying cards with the names of soldiers and civilians who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, and from suicide here in the U.S.

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A message from Bradley Manning’s attorney, David Coombs

by David Coombs

June 12, 2012

Over the past two years, thousands of individuals have either donated to the defense fund or given freely of their time to support PFC Bradley Manning.  The support provided has come in many forms:

1)  Signing petitions (;
2)  Standing up to say “I am Bradley Manning” (;
3)  Writing to military/government authorities;
4)  Writing letters to the editors of local and national newspapers;
5)  Attending marches, rallies, and other public events to raise awareness about Bradley Manning;
6)  Using social media to write about the case and the events of every hearing;
7)  Contacting government representatives;
8)  Sending messages of support to my law office;
9)  Donating to the legal defense fund; or
10)  Volunteering with the Bradley Manning Support Network and Courage to Resist.

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More Jeju naval base resisters jailed

Fr. Moon Jung-Hyun (white beard) and Br. Park Do-Hyon, SJ, (yellow shirt), under arrest.

According to the latest update at, “Eleven South Korean college students have been beaten and arrested by naval soldiers and police while trying to visit Gureombi Rock”, the landmark site of the strategically provocative Navy base under construction at Gaengjong village on Jeju, South Korea’s Peace Island. “Fifteen people are now in custody. Secret police involvement in surveillance, arrests and brutality have been reported.”

Seven of the fifteen people have been in jail since August 24 or September 2, charged with violating posted orders not to obstruct the commerce of the private construction companies.  At least three dozen people were arrested during a series of massive police raids on the village and coastal peace camp on those days, which cleared the contested site for creation of a construction gate.

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~ From the Blount County Correctional Facility, TN, by Carol Gilbert, O.P.


May 25, 2011

Dear Friends,

Welcome to another of America’s gulags – this one in Eastern TN – the Blount County Correctional Facility in Maryville, TN!
This is day number 15 and I want to begin the journey with a quote from Jarhead by Anthony Swofford and his experiences as a Marine in Operation Desert shield. “What follows is neither  true nor false but what I know.”…and heard, saw, tasted, smelled and touched.

DAY 1. Around 7:30 p.m. we are placed in a typical holding cell with no mattresses, 2 benches of concrete, toilet/sink combo and blanket given many hours later.
We are taken out one by one for processing which consists of answering typical intake forms, fingerprints, picture and hospital type bright orange arm bands to distinguish us from the county folks wearing blue/white armbands, the de-liceing shower and stripped uniforms (black and white if new; shades of grey if older (the color everything becomes) and flip flops for shoes. The one pair of old socks, underpants and t-shirt must last until commissary. We were supposed to get two of everything but they have run out with 2-300 extra. So no laundry bag or crate either. We make an attempt to sleep on the concrete slabs but it’s a long night. We tell stories, laugh, sing.

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~ from Skenäs Prison, Sweden, by Martin Smedjeback


17th of June, 2010

I am led into the central office of the prison Skenäs outside of Norrköping. Two guards help me to carry my stuff.  “It looks like you are moving in here!” says one guard. “That’s exactly what I am doing, temporary anyway,” says I. “Do you have your sentence papers with you?” asks another guard. “Yes,” I answer and hand them the papers which say that I was convicted to four months in prison. I am asked to step out and wait while they handle some of my paperwork. I take a seat on the stairs. The sun is shining. I start reading yesterday’s paper. Two inmates come out from their dorms.  Sitting on a bench on the other side of the yard, one of them shouts to me, ”Are you new here?” “Yes,” I shout back. “What are you in for?” he continues. ”Criminal damage,” I answer. “What have you destroyed?”  “Bazookas,” I answer.

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Nuclear Disarmament Action in NYC on May 3

from Kimber Heinz, War Resisters League Hi all, We’re only one week away from the May 3rd direct action for nuclear disarmament at Grand Central Station! Below you’ll find the most up-to-date version of the scenario and you can find information at about the War Resister’s League’s presence throughout the weekend at the international […]
