Dean Hammer’s statement

To the Tennessee  July 4-6, 2010 Gathering

From the hills of Vermont, I offer warm greetings and a deep bow of respect for the community gathered this weekend.  I applaud the organizers and all who will witness for a nuclear-free future.

Let us re-member the lives and spirits of Phil Berrigan, Elmer Maas, Peter
DeMott, and Tom Lewis, who poured themselves out in building the community of resistance and in birthing so many of the Plowshares actions. I imagine them smiling on this gathering.  With special gratitude to them, we say their names and know they are Presente!

My participation in the Plowshares 8 and Griffiss Plowshares actions remains a special privilege in my life.  I hope and pray that I can continue to give due honor to this legacy as you are doing this weekend.

In closing I offer a simple prayer attributed to St. John of the Cross entitled
“If You Love”

You might quiet the whole world for a second
if you pray.
And if you love, if you
really love
our guns will

With much love and gratitude,
Dean Hammer