A group of 15 concerned citizens blocked the gate at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, April 5, 2023. The drone base is on the route of the week-long Sacred Peace Walk, and the peace walkers protested there to bring attention to the illegal drone assassinations conducted by the Air Force and the CIA and possibly other governmental agencies at Creech.
Three of the activists were arrested. Loranell Breyley (from Medina, Ohio, a retired 70-year-old Lutheran Pastor) and Sylver Pondolfino (age 65 from Staten Island, New York and a member of the Church of Stop Shopping Choir) were arrested for blocking the roadway. CJ Preston (age 24 from Berkeley, California) was arrested for writing the word “drones” on a stop sign which then read “Stop Drones”. They were taken to the Clark County Detention Center.

photo by John Amidon
On Thursday, April 6 the Sacred Peace Walk will continue on to Mercury, Nevada on Highway 95 to the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). On Good Friday, nonviolent civil resistance is possible there. The NNSS (formerly known as the Nevada Test Site), established by the U.S. on land stolen from the Western Shoshone nation, was the primary testing location for American nuclear devices from 1951 to 1992. Nine hundred and twenty-eight announced nuclear tests occurred there, making it the most bombed place on earth. Today it continues as the site of “subcritical” nuclear tests and other research for new nuclear bombs and the “life extension” of old ones.

photo by Theo Kayser