Activists Climb onto the Roof of Raytheon’s Cambridge Facility in Protest of War Profiteering, Killing of Civilians

Photo from Resist and Abolish the Military Industrial Complex
On the morning of March 21, a group of activists scaled onto the roof of Raytheon’s facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts to call attention to the company’s weapons sales to Saudi Arabia and Israel, and their record of human rights violations. As part of the multi-tiered protest, the facility’s parking garage was also blockaded, while another group disrupted inside of the Raytheon offices.
The group that scaled the roof used several smoke flares to draw attention to their protest, while chanting and dropping flyers down to workers as they arrived at the facility. Several banners were also unfurled from the roof of the building. Two of the banners read “End All Wars, End All Empires”, and “Raytheon profits from death in Yemen, Palestine & Ukraine”.
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