Women blockade Faslane Trident base for 11 hours, link militarism and climate crisis

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Early in the morning of April 30, members of Extinction Rebellion (XR) Scotland, with support from nuclear disarmament activists from Trident Ploughshares, set up a blockade at the north gate of the Faslane Trident submarine base in Scotland.

Three women locked onto three planters they had placed in the road, which contained plants and flowers and were painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”. With their action, they were demanding a future safe from the “threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction”, making the connections between the climate and ecological crisis and militarism.

Meg Peyton Jones, biologist and XR Scotland activist, said: “We need to build a just, sustainable future, collectively with the whole world, rather than the UK lavishing hundreds of millions on its personal pile of nukes while the climate crisis and social injustice destroy the planet around us.”

Sarah Krischer, 28, archaeologist and XR Scotland activist, said: “Nuclear weapons are an existential threat to the entire world. Stockpiling weapons with the ability to wipe out all life in order to appear tough does nothing to keep either the uk or any other country safe.

“The ongoing environmental degradation caused by uranium mining and nuclear testing continues to be felt, particularly among pacific island nations that are also the most threatened by climate change. We must come together to build a safe, more just future for all.”

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When police arrived, erecting screens before cutting through the locks to remove the blockaders, other demonstrators began to sing.

After a blockade which lasted 11 hours, the three women  – Krischer, Peyton Jones and Naïs Huchet – were cut out and arrested. They were charged with Breach of the Peace and given a court date in May.

The action was part of the Peace Lotus campaign, a global day of anti-war resistance celebrating the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war.
