Conference & demo in May: Stop the New Nuclear Arms Race

From OREPA, Nukewatch and the Nuclear Resister, COVID 19 update, April 6, 2020:
Maryville College’s campus is closed through the end of May, and Tennessee has instituted travel and gathering restrictions, so we have taken the disappointing but necessary decision to cancel STOP THE NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE. If you are registered for the conference, you will receive a refund in the near future. The conference is off, but the work is not! A world free of nuclear weapons is possible if we all work for it.

“Those who say a world without nuclear weapons is impossible need to get out of the way of those who are making it happen.” – Beatrice Fihn, ICAN


Seventy-five years after Trinity, Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the start of the nuclear age, the hands of the Doomsday Clock are 100 seconds from midnight, and the nuclear powers are engaged in a new nuclear arms race.

But the movement for abolition is reviving, with new tools, new energy, and renewed commitment.

Join us May 22-25, 2020 at Maryville College near Knoxville, Tennessee as we strategize how to use the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons to achieve nuclear disarmament. 

Speakers, music, banner making, workshops, networking, community,
celebration of the 40th anniversaries of Nukewatch, the Nuclear Resister and the Plowshares movement
culminating with a nonviolent demonstration at the Y-12 nuclear weapons complex in nearby Oak Ridge,
where OREPA has sustained a nonviolent campaign for over 30 years

People are working in many ways for nuclear disarmament, with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the great work of ICAN helping to generate grassroots activity across the globe. As of late January 2020, thirty-five countries have ratified the Treaty – only 15 more are needed for it to enter into force! At this critical time in the movement for a future free of nuclear weapons, we are coming together to learn about global efforts to abolish nukes and to meet our colleagues from across the U.S. and around the world to network, strategize and collaborate as we move forward.

Talks and workshops will focus on the Ban Treaty, Don’t Bank on the Bomb, Resistance, Mayors for Peace/Cities Appeal, and University Connections to The Bomb. The list of presenters and participants already includes campaigners from the U.S., Germany, Australia, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Kazakhstan and more, including speakers and workshop leaders Susi Snyder (PAX, Don’t Bank on the Bomb), Alicia Sanders-Zakre (ICAN), K.A. Garlick (Conservation Council of Western Australia), Marion Küpker (Büchel ist Uberall), Susan Crane, Hideko Tamura, hibakusha (via Skype), John Schuchardt (House of Peace), Sr. Ardeth Platte and Sr. Carol Gilbert. 
For more information about registration, Next Generation scholarships (for those under 30), childcare, sponsorship and more, email or visit

The conference will be held at Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee, 30 miles from the Y-12 Nuclear Weapons Complex where the U.S. makes thermonuclear secondaries for the W76-2 warhead.

You can register here.

Rooms at the college are two beds to a room – a limited number of single occupancies are available at a higher rate.

$200 covers registration, room and board for shared rooms; $300 for single rooms; $64 for local or non-resident participants. Children under 10, in parents’ room: $48; Childcare will be available during day sessions.

The conference begins Friday evening, May 22 and will end at the Y-12 bomb plant in Oak Ridge on Monday morning.

Maryville College is 10 minutes from Knoxville’s McGhee Tyson Airport; shuttles will be arranged. 


Whether or not you can attend, we invite you or your group to become a sponsor or endorser of the gathering – info is here.   

Thanks to the early sponsors and endorsers, listed below!

We ask sponsors for a $40 contribution – a dollar for each year of work and action for a nuclear-free future by Nukewatch and the Nuclear Resister. A sponsorship will include: having you or your group listed in the registration packet, on a poster at the registration area, on the website and in email promotions. Sponsorship also includes free table space at the gathering. If a sponsoring group is unable to attend, they can send a newsletter or couple of pieces of literature to Tennessee, and we will put the items on a literature table. Please pay online here  or make checks and money orders payable to Nukewatch and send to Nukewatch, 740A Round Lake Road, Luck, WI 54853.

We also welcome your support as an endorser, which costs you nothing (we’ll always accept contributions!) but makes public your support for the gathering. Endorsers will be listed on the website and in email promotions.

We encourage you to place an announcement or ad about the gathering in your group’s newsletter, on your group’s website, and to send an announcement to your listservs or otherwise help spread the word. There is an announcement and ad below.

Peace, and with thanks for your work to help build a better world,

Ralph Hutchison, OREPA

Bonnie Urfer, Nukewatch

John LaForge, Nukewatch

Kelly Lundeen, Nukewatch

Jack and Felice Cohen-Joppa, The Nuclear Resister
STOP THE NEW NUCLEAR ARMS RACE – The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA), Nukewatch and the Nuclear Resister invite you to attend an international conference on global collaboration to abolish nuclear weapons, from May 22 – 25, 2020 in Maryville, Tennessee. Together we will strategize for nuclear abolition, and act for the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty in the shadow of the Y-12 nuclear weapons complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Workshops, panel presentations, strategy sessions, music, nonviolent demonstration at Y-12, and celebration of the 40th anniversary of Nukewatch, the Nuclear Resister and the Plowshares movement. Registration is now open; space is limited. For more information about registration, Next Generation scholarships, childcare, sponsorship and more, email or visit

SPONSORS (more to come!)


Christian Peacemaker Teams

Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety

Footprints for Peace

Michigan Stop the Nuclear Bombs Campaign – MISTNBC

Nipponzan Myohoji, Great Smoky Mountains Peace Pagoda

Nuclear Watch South

Pax Christi USA

Pioneer Valley War Tax Resistance
puppetista collective

Redwood City Catholic Worker

Smart Set


Dr. Art Milholland & Dr. Luann Mostello

Guy Larry Osborne



Baltimore Hiroshima-Nagasaki Commemoration Committee

Baltimore Nonviolence Center

Ban Uranium Mining Permanently collective (BUMP)

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

XR Peace (UK)