Five women were arrested on September 27 at Beale Air Force Base (AFB) near Marysville, California. The anti-robotic warfare activists are all from northern California, as were most of the other demonstrators at Beale. Many were part of the #ENOUGH movement for justice in opposition to U.S. bombings of innocent civilians.
The demonstration included a camp out at the entrance to Beale AFB. Over a dozen people were present at the prior night’s peace vigil and at the morning’s vigil, when the five women were arrested at 7:30 a.m. – Rev. Sharon Delgado of Nevada City, Shirley Osgood of Grass Valley, Cathy Webster and Chris Nelson of Chico and Toby Blome of El Cerrito.
The tone of the demonstrations was somber, with honor for all the dead killed by militarism, including last week’s U2 pilot, Lt. Col. Ira Stephen Eadie from Beale, and the civilians of Yemen, Libya, Syria and Pakistan.
The demonstrations were part of Pace e Bene’s Campaign Nonviolence week of actions, which included more then 750 actions for peace in the U.S. and around the world.
Campaign Nonviolence Action at Beale
This morning I was arrested with four other women at Beale Air Force Base after crossing onto base property. We were taken by military bus to a building on base, given citations, and released. We may be given an arraignment date and we may go to trial, although in recent months all charges for peace activists have been dismissed.
We were wearing blue scarves and we had #enough written on our hands because we took this action in solidarity with the Afghan Peace Volunteers and their blog Our Journey to Smile. Afghan Peace Volunteers is a group of young people working for peace in Afghanistan. I became aware of them when peace activist Kathy Kelly came with us to Beale a couple of years ago. Our blue scarves and the #enough banners and words written on our hands are a response to their invitation “Join us to say #enough.”
Before we were arrested, each of us explained what we have had enough of. I explained that I have had enough of drone warfare. (Beale is the home of the Global Hawk Drone, a surveillance drone that identifies targets for armed Predator and Reaper drones.) I have also had enough of the U.S. Air Force Vision for 2020, which is geared toward “full spectrum dominance” for the purpose of “protecting U.S. interests and investments” as “the globalization of the world economy… continues, with a widening between “haves” and “have-nots.” I have had enough of the U.S. military enforcing a global order that is enriching the already wealthy, protecting the privileged, exploiting those who are vulnerable, causing massive suffering, and destroying this beautiful earth. #Enough war. #Enough “accidental” (or incidental) killing of children. #Enough suffering. #Enough extrajudicial killing. #Enough.
We also took this action in coordination with the Campaign Nonviolence Week of Actions. Over 700 separate Campaign Nonviolence Actions have taken place in recent days.
If you want to know more about drones or past demonstrations and trials related to Beale, see my past blogs on drones. Follow my blog by clicking the “Follow Sharon Delgado” button at the right or by “liking” the Shaking the Gates of Hell Facebook page.