Seven peace activists arrested on Good Friday at Lockheed Martin, world’s #1 war profiteer

6511730351_dcdfcd3098_m-1from Brandywine Peace Community

Seven activists were arrested following a Good Friday Stations of Justice, Peace, and Nonviolent Resistance at Lockheed Martin in Valley Forge/King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. After each station and accompanying reading, a large wooden cross was hammered next to the main driveway entrance, into the ground next to the large wooden sign reading, against the backdrop of the Lockheed Martin logo, ‘We’re Making A Killing’.

11th Station, Jesus is nailed to the Cross: “These crosses before us today represent the suffering and crucifixion of a suffering humanity, of Jesus Christ today. Lockheed Martin, War and Weapons, Christ Crucified! We who stand before Lockheed Martin in peace and the works of justice embrace the nonviolent cross: resistance to empire, war and militarism, community organizing and the works of peacemaking and service to the victims of war and injustice, resistance to the injustice that is Lockheed Martin. Today, we remember Jesus’ words: “Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you…”(John 14:2). ”

12th Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross. As a bell tolls, seven people stood across the main driveway entrance with a long banner and a large cross draped with an earth flag. Stepping across the property line of the world’s #1 war profiteer, most in “die-in” crucifixion position in front of Lockheed Martin security and Upper Merion police, all seven were arrested after refusing to leave. They were handcuffed and taken to the Upper Merion police station, and released on disorderly conduct citations.

Those arrested and cited: Fr. Patrick Sieber, ofm, Carroll Clay, Brendan Zaleski, and Robert M. Smith, all from Philadelphia, PA; Paul Sheldon, Media, PA; Rev. David Reppert, Conshohocken, PA; and Tom Mullian, Wyncote, PA. All but Brendan Zaleski have been arrested repeatedly for civil resistance to Lockheed Martin. Brendan is new to Philadelphia and a server of the poor at St. Francis Inn in Kensington. Welcome, Brendan, to the peaceful circle of resistance.

It was the first act of civil resistance at Lockheed Martin in decades without Annie Geers, 93 years on. Annie Geers, Presente.