Monthly Archive for September, 2014

Clergy and veterans among eleven people arrested at Beale Air Base over two days of Campaign Nonviolence demonstrations

photo by Sharon Delgado

photo by Sharon Delgado

Eleven people, including clergy and veterans, were arrested during two days of peace demonstrations at Beale Air Force Base in California, site of the surveillance drone Global Hawk, which performs reconnaissance for armed drones. The demonstrations at Beale were coordinated with Campaign Nonviolence, a national campaign calling for an end to war, poverty, and climate change. Over 250 nonviolent actions have been carried out in coordination with Campaign Nonviolence in the past week alone.

Two people were arrested at Beale on Monday, September 29, at 3:45 p.m. The Reverend John Auer, a retired United Methodist pastor from Fresno, was assisted in his wheelchair by Guarionex Delgado, a veteran from Nevada City. Mr. Delgado pushed Rev. Auer’s wheelchair the length of the mile-long road to the Wheatland Gate. Rev. Auer stated that he was attempting to deliver a letter to Colonel Phillip A. Stewart, the Base Commander, informing him of a recent anti-drone resolution passed by United Methodists in the California-Nevada region.

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K.C. judge finds protester guilty of trespass action, tells her to stay away from local nuclear weapon plants

9+Georgia+continuum+banner,+door-1by Jane Stoever

The judge and prosecutor wanted to consider only a line-crossing. Civil resister Georgia Walker and her lawyer wanted to expose the evil of nuclear weapons, the scourge of contaminants from making the weapons. The verdict: guilty of trespass May 31, 2014, at Bannister Federal Complex, where parts were made for nuclear weapons from 1949 to this year. The sentence: A year’s probation, including avoiding the old and new sites in Kansas City, Mo., for making nuclear weapon parts.

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Campaign Nonviolence action at White House; 5 arrested

white house 9-23-14

Attempting to deliver a letter to President Obama

by Ken Butigan, Pace e Bene, Campaign Nonviolence

Fr. John Dear joined scores of activists, including Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin, at the White House on the morning of September 23 to announce the launch of Campaign Nonviolence’s long-term movement for a culture of peace free from war, poverty, the climate crisis and the epidemic of violence. The assembly linked opposition to the new war launched by the U.S. this morning — bombing Syria and Iraq — to the violence of poverty and climate change.

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Fairness and Justice? Post-9/11 Muslim Charity Prosecution

Katherine Hughes

by Katherine Hughes

Copyright, Reprinted with permission.

My passion for the protection of civil liberties was sparked at the age of 14 when I saw a documentary on the Allies’ liberation of Bergen-Belsen. For the past 40 years, in an effort to understand how something like that could happen, I’ve been reading first-hand accounts of 1930s and 1940s Europe and the former Soviet Union. Over the last 25 years I began noticing similar circumstances in both Europe and the United States: wars creating millions of refugees, financial crises, erosions of workers’ rights and sharpening income inequality, along with national and individual poverty and debt, a xenophobic and racist climate, and attacks on civil liberties, including freedom of speech.

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Army refuser Sara Beining arrested and jailed after going AWOL again

Sara Beining and her daughter

A single mother and Iraq war veteran is in jail in Colorado Springs. Sara Beining went AWOL a second time last summer after a nearly year-long delay in resolving the original charge that resulted when she left her unit at Ft. Hood in January, 2007.

Just over one year ago, September 14, 2013, Beining was stopped for a traffic offense and held on an outstanding military warrant, more than six years after she and her newlywed husband had together walked away from war service. She was briefly jailed, then given a plane ticket and orders to report back to Fort Carson, Colorado, where, she said, “I tried for another year to play the game” and be quietly processed out of the army as many other recent military refusers have been.

But in her absence without leave, Beining had given birth to a daughter in September, 2008 and become an outspoken opponent of war.

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Scottish Trident nuclear weapons base blockaded in post referendum protest

Trident Ploughshares photo

Trident Ploughshares photo

from Trident Ploughshares

On the morning of September 22, four days after the historic referendum, Trident Ploughshares [1] and Faslane Peace Camp [2] have partially blocked the north gate to Faslane Naval Base, homeport of the UK Trident nuclear weapons system, sending a strong message that the overwhelming desire of Scotland to be rid of nuclear weapons must be honoured.

Five activists have locked on to each other while displaying banners that read Scrap Trident and Scotland YES Trident NO.  Traffic waiting to enter the base is backing up causing gridlock at the roundabout close to the gate. The action followed a hundred strong protest at the base on Saturday after the referendum delivering the message: YES or NO, Trident Has Got to Go.

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Arrests at Nevada nuclear test site and Creech Air Force Base

photo by Sam Morris/Las Vegas Review-Journal

photo by Sam Morris/Las Vegas Review-Journal

from Nevada Desert Experience

On Sunday morning, September 21 – the U.N.’s International Day of Peace – after an interfaith liturgy at ten o­clock a.m., 6 men and 4 women were arrested at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), which is 65 miles from Las Vegas. Prayer-­activists continue to visit the NNSS (formerly called the Nevada Test Site) annually in order to work on a spiritual level for the end of ongoing nuclear violence at this solitary U.S. nuclear weapons proving ground and site of weekly low­-level nuclear waste dumping. Since 1997, subcritical nuclear weapons testing has occurred regularly at the NNSS.

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Nuclear Resister issue #175

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~ from MDC Brooklyn, by Sr. Megan Rice, with Greg Boertje-Obed and Michael Walli

September 7, 2014 Megan Rice 88101-020 MDC Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center P.O. Box 329002 Brooklyn, NY 11232   Dear Sisters and Brothers, friends in solidarity to transform new global policies in favor of life-enhancing alternatives to death dealing weapons and wars- by sustaining peaceful negotiations: Your outpouring of affection and concern in letters and action, […]
