Monthly Archive for April, 2014

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Good Friday prayer in front of Lockheed Martin in California results in 3 arrests


photo by Susan Crane

From the Redwood City Catholic Worker website

About 50 people gathered at Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale, California to reflect and pray about the consequences of war and empire to the earth and all life on the earth.

Under the umbrella of the Pacific Life Community,  Catholic Workers, people in religious orders, students from Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, and many, many friends gathered to remember those who suffer today.

Lockheed Martin is the world’s largest military contractor and a full-service weapons maker. Lockheed makes, among other things, missiles that carry Trident nuclear warheads, and hellfire missiles that are used by drones.

After the Stations of the Cross, three people walked up to the Lockheed Martin gates. When stopped by police, they knelt down in prayer.

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Nine anti-drone activists arrested at Creech Air Force Base

photo by John Amidon

photo by John Amidon

from Nevada Desert Experience

On Wednesday, April 16, 2014, at about 8:10 a.m., nine anti-war activists were arrested at Creech Air Force Base (AFB) when attempting to serve a War Crimes Indictment (see below) to  Creech AFB Commander Col. Jim Cluff.  The nine are part of the Nevada Desert Experience’s 2014 Sacred Peace Walk, which will end at the Nevada National Security Site/Nevada Test Site on April 18, 2014.

The illegality of  the CIA “secretive cluster of units within the wing call the 732nd Operations Group” can no longer be denied or covered up.  Hundreds of children have been murdered along with thousands of innocent men and women. The CIA is using Creech Air Force pilots to carry out drone strikes in Pakistan. The War Indictment could not be delivered  at a more timely moment.

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~ from MDC Brooklyn, by Sr. Megan Rice

April 6, 2014 Dear sisters and brothers, at-one-with us all in this Beloved Community of participants in support of disarming now, and transforming now, the nuclear-industrial complex, wherever it rears its rapacious heads! Greetings from the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ Metropolitan Detention Center, Brooklyn. I arrived about ten days ago, after a BOP transit tour, […]


Woman arrested walking to use restroom at AFB Visitor’s Center during drone protest

photo by Mike Schilling

photo by Mike Schillingby

by Jane Stoever

Tamara Severns was arrested unexpectedly during an April 6 protest of drone warfare at Whiteman Air Force Base, near Knob Noster, Missouri. A member of the PeaceWorks, Kansas City Board of Directors and a Co-member of the Loretto Community, Tamara was walking toward the Visitors’ Center to use the bathroom. She and other resisters had used those facilities with no problem during about five earlier protests. On April 6, Tamara and several others had arrived at the base entry after authorities had warned the resisters not to step across the white line on the entry road. Unaware that “the rules” had changed, Tamara crossed the line to go toward the Visitors’ Center, was taken into custody with no warning, and was handcuffed, searched, and detained on the base about an hour.

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Four arrested blocking cement truck on Jeju Island, South Korea


Photo by Romy 롱롱

by Paco Booyah

Today, April 7, 4 people total were arrested in Gangjeong. The police where very aggressive today and blocked us excessively. They even blocked the daily human chain and dancing time even when there were no cars. This made everyone very angry and frustrated and everyone began demanding an apology from the police. Of course the police didn’t apologize because the police never do that. In response, Father Kim Sung-Hwan began blocking a cement truck. The police came and threatened to arrest him but didn’t for a long time. Father Mun and two Sisters and once activist also came and sat with him. Finally the police arrested Father Kim but not the others. The others continued to block the trucks. The police threatened to arrest them many times but didn’t, but then finally they arrested Father Mun, the activist Lee Jong-Hwa, and Sister Rosalina.

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Two Veterans For Peace members arrested at Beale Air Force Base

Gilchrist on far left, Adams on crutches second to right. (Photo by Guarionex Delgado)

Gilchrist on far left, Adams on crutches second to right. (Photo by Guarionex Delgado)

Elliott Adams, past National President of Veterans For Peace and international peace activist, was arrested during a nonviolent anti-drone action at Beale Air Force Base on Tuesday, April 1. Adams lives in New York and is currently on a nationwide tour, speaking out about the importance of banning drone attacks, stopping war, and building a culture of peace. He has also been conducting Unarmed Peacekeeping Skills Training and Strategy Sessions around the country with the Meta Peace Team, whose goal is “pursuing peace through active nonviolence.”

Also arrested was Adam’s friend and fellow Veteran for Peace member Richard Gilchrist.  Gilchrist served in the army in Vietnam and has also traveled around the country speaking and taking action for peace.

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